Chapter 38- Extra Measures

Start from the beginning

“You realize that most five year olds can do ninety percent of that list, right?” He asks when I’m done.

“I think I prefer the title assistant for you. It does start with ass after all.” My feet start moving on their own, “Come on, I’ll show you around.”

We walk into the building together while I pretend nothing is bothering me. The polite smile is plastered on my face as I show him his office, and where everything is kept.

“You know you don’t have to do that, right.” He says.

“Do what? Show you where things are?” 

“Pretend that nothing is bothering you, and trying to convince me too.” After a moment of not saying a word, he continues. “It’s the creepy smile. The one that’s not fooling anybody.”

I let it drop from my face, then go take a seat on the other side of his new desk. “Alright, you got me there.”

“Now tell me what I can do to help you. Anything at all.” Noah gets a serious look about him, and for some reason it soothes me. This wolf was barely an adult, and he’s already seen more than his fair share of troubles. From his shitty parents, to an even shittier pack. Then to top it all off, he gets abducted and narrowly escapes death. I honestly don’t know how he has it in him to want to do anything other than sleep the days away.

“Grab a pen.” Once he does, I fire a list off the top of my head. “Earlier in the week Amber had Meagan and Candice locked up for being assholes, their parents have called me for a meeting but currently I don’t have the time. See if Azariah can meet with them either today or tomorrow, but either way please call them back. Audrey’s mate Greg has been put on a house arrest of sorts, so I’ll need to find someone to go interview him. Amber has tracked his phone so we’ll know if he tries to contact anyone from Malcombs group. If he’s found to have no involvement, we can lift the restrictions placed on him.”

“Sorry to interrupt, but could I reach out to Matias and see if he can help with this? It might be better for someone who’s older to go see him. He probably views you and Azariah as still just pups.” Noah says.

“That’s a good idea, you can speak with him directly after our meeting this morning. Next, Alek is putting up a schedule for rotating shifts for the guards, can you look it over and see if everything is good. If you have any concerns make a note of it so I can review.” I pause for a minute trying to think if there’s anything else I need to add at the moment.

“Umm, not to sound rude, but how much is this job paying?” He teases me while looking wide eyed over the list he had written down.

I stand up while laughing at him. “Enough to keep you in constant supply of chocolate milk for a lifetime pup. Now come help me set up the break room for the meeting.”

“I hope you ordered lots of snacks, with both Azariah and Amber coming.” He happily follows behind me, skipping across the hall to the room the actual meeting was going to be in. Ever since the last meeting where Azariah and Amber kept coming back in with plates of goodies piled high, I took their advice and just brought the damn food into the room. Much easier this way. Or was that two meetings ago? Hard to keep track anymore. 

“Who’s all going to be here?” Noah asks me.

“Alpha Finn, Alpha Kreed and Becky. I believe Luna Alora and Alpha Tony and his mate Luna Bethany will be joining us through video chat. Azariah, Amber, Jace, Matias, Jess. Hell, I don’t know. We probably need a bigger room eventually if this thing keeps growing.”

“Why would we continue to hold such large meetings once this is over?” The confused look on his face is almost comical. 

“Because, when all is said and done, we should maintain at least weekly contact with the other leaders of each pack. We need to stick together, that’ll be easier to do if we keep a working relationship with everyone. What we’ve got going on now is just a big fucking mess. Everyone wants this threat dealt with, but doesn’t want to make the tough decisions on how to go about doing that. We constantly butt heads, and argue all our time away.” I explain to him.

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