Chapter 4: Unlucky day. Safe zone.

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WARNINGS: None except both characters annoyingly discussing (again).

Chapter 4: Unlucky day. Safe zone.

Hoseok was crying inside, he was going really mad. He couldn't believe his bad luck that day. He really had murderous intentions towards that asshole "Min Yoonkin" or whatever his name was.

He had kept his number as "Asshole" so he didn't even care about his real name. He now regretted every course of action he had taken since the morning.

He now was miserably sulking beside his annoying classmate. But why was he with him? Oh yes! The annoying bastard of the teacher had considered it a good idea to send him with his classmate, to help him get to the infirmary. "That way I guarantee Mr. Min is going to be fine, and that you two can talk and get to know each other. Is not as if you on your own could work without your partner for this project." The teacher had said.

Hoseok had felt like crying, he had gotten up and picked his stuff, he had faked a smile, and walked beside the mint haired guy to the door, neither of them had spoken to each other.

Yoongi was hating his life the same way as Hoseok or probably even more, he didn't had wanted to have anything to do with "Hoseok" and now he even had him as an audience for when he needed to get to a food machine, and use his last coins to buy the most poor and small lunch. While the rich and pampered mute prince will laugh at him.

He decided to ditch him there and he began to walk toward the other way, Hoseok wasn't happy about it, he decided to pester him for everything that had happened to him. He ran faster and blocked the mint haired guy's way.

[Where are you going? Teacher said to really go to the infirmary, he told me to tell him if you were lying and to guarantee you would get there!] He had written in his notebook.

Yoongi still felt awkward, he had never ever had to talk to someone using a notebook, he still felt so bad for having insulted him, he could hate people, but he would always feel bad if he did something wrong. So no matter how bad he hated him, he still felt sorry and guilty for what he did, he also knew Hoseok was way younger than him. That also had annoyed him, he had acted pretty immature back then.

"Look Hoseok or whatever you are called, I'm really sorry for what happened in the morning and in the classroom.  But this doesn't concern you, go now, I'm sure you have better things to do with your time than following me." Yoongi said, his stomach growling again. He massaged his painful stomach.

"And one last thing, everyone could be fooled by that mask, but not me, I know who you truly are, and if you keep this silly act, I'll show the class and teacher, so from now on no silly business like the small letters you wrote before, or I'll pay the same way!" Yoongi said this time, angry.

Hoseok's entire frame trembled. He felt scared, he had been warned, and he really felt that dude could do something really wrong to him, he remembered all those bullies, and he felt weak in his legs. But his project was on the line, so he will fight till the end.

Yoongi had begun to walk again. He got to one of the machines believing Hoseok was about to leave, he placed some coins inside, and as his options were few as he didn't have more money, he had to buy a small half sandwich club, a single rice ball, and a small coffee.

"Great, if that asshole already stinks, I can't imagine what he will smell like after that coffee, so gross!" Hoseok thought again to himself, remembering again his progenitors and feeling again nauseated and so sick to his stomach.

Yoongi turned with his food to see that Hoseok, his annoying hateful classmate, was still there. He now understood what Hoseok wanted was to annoy him. His blood boiled once more with the embarrassment and humiliation of having to buy that small and poor lunch due to his lack of money, while the white haired arrogant dude looked at him and smiled laughing at him.

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