Chapter 11

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After 10 mins We got there and Nate got out and came around the the side of the truck, getting my crutches out of the back seat helping me get used to walking with my crutches. Inside we saw fez sitting on the counter as usual smoking. He looked at me with concern in his eyes looking at my cast.

"Willow wha happen to you leg there?" Pointing to my leg that was in a cast.

"I tripped on the stairs." I knew he was high due to the weed and wouldn't question my lame excuse.

"that's what's up, how long do you have to wear that thing?"

"3 months in cast, 3 months in boot." Ashtray then decided to come out of freezer.

*𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯*

I was counting money for the day, when I heard Willow and fez talking about something. Me being the fucking nosy person I am when it come to the mysterious Willow I walk out the freezers to see...

𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯*

"The fuck." He looked down at my leg blankly.

"the fuck happened to your leg?" He looked at me with  an odd look on his face, but nothing less a bitchy look saying, i dont give a fuck look on his face as usual.

"the fuck happened to your leg?" He looked at me with  an odd look on his face, but nothing less a bitchy look saying, i dont give a fuck look on his face as usual

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"i tripped on something and fell down the stairs." I tried to look as believable as possible cause for some reason i knew that he can probably tell if someone lyin to him. He looked like he didn't quit believe me but didn't care enough to ask further questions.

"Dumbass." He laughs were interrupted by Aron.he walked in swaying hold a bottle of beer swaying back and forth as he walked. Nate moved infront of me knowing Aron is reckless, and don't seem care about anyone except himself.

"for fucks sake, I told your ass to stay in the car!" I looked down embarrassed that fez and ashtray are seeing this side of the Jacob's. the side my father desperately tried to hide.

"I got hungry cause someone decided to get hurt and ruin my dinner plans soo.." nate grabbed his arm and dragged him back to the car as I stood awkwardly.

"who's that." An extremely high fez looked at me confused.

"My half brother." I said it In an harsh voice.

"I take it you don't like him?" I look up at the question ashtray asked.

"No." Ashtray looked at me suddenly and suspiciously after I snapped at him. Ashtray wasn't the only one who was alarmed at my answer, fez suddenly become for focus in the conversation and looking at me strange. I thought they'd would question my response but they left it nodding but still confused was shown on there faces.

Nate walked back in from the car going back over to the food isle getting some frozen boxed food. Nate placed to food infront of fez. Fez got off the counter and rang up the items. I could feel a harsh stare from across the room, i could always feel when people were staring at me. I look over to see ashtray sitting on a stool by the door. staring his cold eyes at me, but there was something else in his eyes to it was unreadable. He didn't look away like most people did when they got caught staring it just seemed to in courage him as if some how his got more intense.

"alright leave her alone ash." Fez said and ash glared at me one last time before scoffing and walked back into the freezer. I looked back over to see both Nate and fez looking at me. I fist bumped fez trying to convince him that everything fine.

Ash didn't like being lied to. That means she's hiding something he didn't like people hiding things he didn't like that Willow lied to him

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