RT16: Walk your Talk!

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Most of us are capable of giving good advices to people who are in need. Our words is the effective weapon to lift up one's soul. Hearing those encouraging words is one of the way to ease burdens. So, we find ourselves smiling and be inspired to move forward.

Sweet words of promises between couples are such a cheesy thing that will make our hearts go wild. It's as if his words are enough to melt you. Seeing such scene can't help but fall in love to the thought of having your life in cloud nine.

Words can splash the disposition of a person. It can be sweet, encouraging, a form of inspiration, and reason to live. However, it can be also a form of destruction, sorrows, irradical views, and can end one's life.

We need to consider and choose our words wisely. Of course, being the model of your words and advices go hand on hand with your talks. It's so pretentious if you can say such flowery and nice speech but are not doing what you're talking. Aren't you being hypocrite?
People will be impressed not because of how depth your words are, but because of how you WALK YOUR TALK!

"If you're like me who is not good in talking then we can just say it through our doings"

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