RT2: Win or Lose

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"How come winning feels so good while losing gives off so much pain?"

I just watched a game and I can't help but feel sad to the team who got lost.
(Why is there such a winner and loser?)

Whenever I got to see someone's losing, I can feel I'm the one who got shattered. I don't like the thought of being in pain. Eventhough I know that having this feelings can help mold oneself to become stronger, but I can't deny that having this feeling can also lead to depression and the worst, can kill.

Whatever it is, WINNING or LOSING, you're still up to two choices and options-that is to improve for the better or for the worst.
Just one thing is sure, there is CHANGE!.

It may be for goodness or the other way around.
Just up to oneself.
(Well, for me, can't trust myself so am having hard time..)

What do you think guys? ^_^

mikaGirl26's Random ThingsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang