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Minho was walking back and forth at the buffet, making sure that everything worked fine. Every once in a while he glared at the workers who were slacking making them jump in fear. He was often glad of the effect he had on his underlings, because otherwise they wouldn't listen. His attire was very different than the one of the others, a simple elegant blue suit, similar to what he wore everyday. His clothes were the only thing Hyunjin had failed to control, after all. As he did another loop around the table he noticed an elf filling his plate, an elf he had never seen before.

"That's weird" he thought:
"Didn't the prince say he'd only let my elf friends in and noone else?"

He was about to let it go when the elf approached him himself, surpising him even more:

"Excuse me, are you pheraps the prince' butler?"

Minho nodded, unsure of where the conversation was going:

"Wow, I've heared so much about you. The legendary elf who's so close to the prince some call him his best friend. I never thought I'd meet you in person"

Not knowing how to feel, Minho continued the conversation and the more he talked to the boy the more he noticed. His suit was definitely made by a dragon rider hand, even aftet years of living with Hyunjin's family he hadn't forgotten the softness of that material. He could see by the roughness of the elf's hands that he was rider too. What peaked his suspicions was a dagger's hilt, peaking from his shirt.
Minho knew damn well weapons weren't allowed at the balls, he had written the rules himself.
So as he entertained the elf with useless stories about the court he made sure to stop and tell the guards to fetch his prince.
The way Hyunjin was acting didn't matter in that moment, Minho still didn't want his friend to be murdered by spies.

Blue like ice, red like fire- HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now