A cold prince

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When Felix found himself in a private room with the prince of New World's kingdom he couldn't help but imagine how jealous most of the people in the ballroom would be and feel a little honored. However, he couldn't forget the heavy task he was carrying. He needed to understand the deepness of the prince's hatred for dragon riders, if he could be swayed. If not, discover his weaknesses, a way to bring him down.

"This is a dangerous time to be an elf around the kingdom, I hope my people treated you with the needed regard" the prince was saying, offering Felix a glass of wine. His stare was intense, his body language relaxed. Felix couldn't help but feel that he was being tested.

"Many of them hate us" he said carefully:" Even the riders. Maybe because we're offered special treatment and they aren't"

Felix knew he was entering dangerous territory but he had to if he wanted to learn anything.

The prince sighed:"We're only doing what we have to do. They killed my father and they need to pay for it"

The sparkle of pain in his eyes was so evident that it shook Felix inside. The prince was truly destroyed by his loss. Maybe because of the years spent hating him, Felix could barely imagine mourning the old king and yet in front of his eyes, the prince's heart was breaking. Without thinking, Felix placed a hand on the prince's arm.

"I'm truly sorry for your loss, my prince, I hope you find your peace" he mumbled, barely believing that he was consoling his enemy.

The man smiled kindly at Felix:
"You can call me Hyunjin, if you'd like"

Felix smiled back as he circled around him, feeling his stare burn into his body.

"Hyunjin" he said, the name unfamiliar yet sweet on his lips: "How long do you think it will take to find the killer...? I can't help but worry for my kind, it is in my nature"

"It'll take a while. And once we find him, I'll have to punish all the people who were aware as well as the entire dragon rider kind so that they never think of coming near the royal family again"

The prince's anger was starting to show and Felix felt small in front of those stormy eyes, those clenched fists.

"They dared infiltrate his quarters and murdered him in his bed, the most unworthy death for a king. No, they must pay. I'm sure you understand"

As Hyunjin's cold eyes pierced him, Felix realised he wasn't allowed to say he didn't, after all it still was the prince he was talking to. So he nodded:

"But... my pr- Hyunjin. How can you be so sure that it was a dragon rider who killed your father?"

Silence followed and, panicking, Felix added:"I hope the question doesn't sound insulting, I'm genuinely curious"

Hyunjin drank the rest of his wine and gave him a hard yet reassuring nod:
"His heart was pierced with a poisoned dragon claw, that's why."

Felix's eyes widened. That was the proof... that was all the proof he needed.

"It wasn't the dragon riders. Hyunjin is searching his father's killer where he'll never find it! My people will never be free!"

In that second, the guard Felix knew peeped into the room, looking for the prince.

"My prince, you are urgently needed" he said.

"Duty calls" Hyunjin sighed, as he moved towards Felix. He kissed his hand softly, never tearing his eyes from the blue ones of the other boy:
"I hope I'll see you again... I didn't catch your name"

"Felix" he said. He knew it was a risk. He knew and yet he didn't care. He wanted his sworn enemy to know his name exactly like he knew the prince's. He wanted them to be on the same level.

"Felix" Hyunjin repeated and it felt like a contract had just been signed. The word hanged up in the air for a little then Hyunjin smiled:
"A beautiful name for a beautiful elf"

Those were the last words he said before leaving.

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