Tori's Story

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I looked up in the mirror and saw myself. I used to think I was kind of pretty, with my long curled and naturally red hair, freckles scattered across my face and big emerald green eyes. Now all I saw was a girl not good enough.

My hair was a mess, my eyes and nosed were puffed up and red, mascara was smeared down my face. I looked down at my arm, my sleeves had been rolled up to my elbows and there was a thin red line where I had just dragged the small blade across my skin.

It wasn't painful enough. Nothing was painful enough to distract me from the swirling emotions inside, they were too strong, dragging me down.

I kept having flashbacks of before...

~5 months ago~

"Will you go out with me?" He asked, his piercing blue eyes staring into my emerald green ones.

"Me! You, YOU, want to go out with me, ME?" I laughed. He grabbed my hands making butterflies explode in my stomach.

"Yes. I, Jack Antonio Gale, want you, Victoria Chloe Watson, to be my girlfriend."

"YES!" I squealed hugging him hard. I couldn't believe my ultimate crush just asked me out!

As if the moment couldn't get me better, he leaned down and kissed me hard, and fireworks went off. I'm not even joking. I had been kissed many times before, yes, but I didn't have the whole fireworks thing. Wow, this couldn't get any better.

~Back to the present~

The memories haunted me. The first kiss, it was amazing, I didn't think about what could happen after, that he could break my heart.

I watched droplets of my blood drip into the white sink, I couldn't stop my brain from flashing backwards...

~3 months ago~

"We're going to see Jack!" I sang as I skipped along the pavement.

Jenna, my second best friend, laughed, "and Jazmin, don't forget!"

"How could I forget!? She's my best friend!" I retorted.

Jenna looked at me seriously and I was startled, "Tori, there's something I need to say..."

I waited patiently...

"I think Jack and Jazmin like each other." I burst out laughing, even though she was dead serious.

"They're just best friends! I can't believe everybody thinks that! I'm not worried at all, seriously. I love Jack and Jazmin is my best friend. I'm happy they are so close!" Just as I was speaking Jack and Jazmin came into view, they were holding hands.

Jenna looked at me pointedly... I had seen them hold hands before but now a seed of doubt was in my stomach. I grew nervous as they walked closer.

Then, Jack leaned forward to kiss me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close to him. As his lips met mine, all my worries disappeared.

~Back to the present~

How could I have been so stupid? All of the signs were there! I just ignored them. I wish I could say I didn't see them, that they hid everything well.

The fact was though, they didn't. They made it very, very obvious and I ignored it. Denial, I supposed.

The pain became to much as I let out another sob, I drew the blade back over my skin, wincing as it pinched me, drawing more blood.

My mind flew back to our first fight...

~1 month ago~

"You think WHAT!? Oh my fucking god, Tori I thought you trusted me! We have been together for four whole months, and you think me capable of doing that to you?

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