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Dylan took a deep breath as she stepped out of her car. Her and her father had been meeting regularly now, but she would always feel nervous about it.

She walked up to the usual spot where she and her father would meet and caught sight of the man with a cigarette,

"I thought you got rid of all your bad habits," Dylan joked

"Well, I couldn't completely stop now," David laughed

"Go on, gimme one," Dylan sighed

David looked shocked,


"Seriously? You didn't know I smoked?" Dylan laughed

"Well I know you did when you were younger," David replied with a sad smile

"I guess it stuck," Dylan laughed

"You're an adult now I suppose," David sighed as he handed Dylan a cigarette

"Thanks," Dylan smiled as she placed the cigarette between her lips

Truth be told, smoking was one of Dylan's worst habits. Somehow she has been able to hide it from Taylor for a while now, but unbeknownst to Dylan, she was catching on.

"Dyl? Why was there a lighter in your pocket?" Taylor asked with a raised eyebrow

"Oh, it's um, it's just for candles, love,"


"Yes candles, it's winter, everyone needs to have nice candles,"

Dylan smiled to herself as she remembered her and Taylor's conversation from the other day,

"What are you smiling about?" David teased

"Nothing, it's just something Taylor said to me the other day," Dylan smiled

David chuckled,

"How is she? I still haven't met her yet," David asked

"She's good, it was her birthday 2 days ago," Dylan smiled

"Did you two do anything nice?"

"I threw her a little surprise party with all her friends, it was fun,"

"That's good kiddo," David smiled, "Why don't you and Taylor come over to the house tonight? I'll make my signature pasta,"

Dylan thought about her father's offer for a moment, could she go back into that house? Hell, even being in the driveway induced a panic attack.

"Yeah, why not," Dylan smiled knowing she was probably going to regret this later


When Dylan got home, she was freaking out. She was pacing around the living room in circles.

When Taylor walked into the room she felt dizzy just looking at her girlfriend.

"Dylan? What are you doing?" Taylor laughed

"I told my Dad that you and I would go to his house for dinner tonight," Dylan blurted out

Taylor could tell by Dylan's reaction that she was definitely nervous about it,

"Okay, come and sit," Taylor replied dragging Dylan to the sofa,

"So why are we panicking about this?" Taylor asked as she grabbed Dylan's hand

"I just— I don't know if I can go into that house." Dylan started, "That house is my childhood home and I don't really want to be reminded of my time in that house,"

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