Chapter 16: Jealousy

Start from the beginning

“Why did you fall then? How did you even fall sitting on the single sofa?”

Maricar wasn't amused, especially with his tone. It looks like he was blaming her for her own carelessness.

“After trying to cover you up because you're shaking in coldness, you're blaming me?”

Again, Pierre was dumbfounded because of the same person. He wanted to help, however he suddenly remembered about what happened earlier. He kept his concern.

“You could've stayed in your room. I never asked you to turn it on.” his cold reply made Maricar raise her eyebrow.

‘How could you!’

Pierre was about to go to his room when Maricar shouted, “Hey! You're not gonna help me?!”

“Ask your man.”

And with those words, she was confused with what her housemate was trying to tell.


After the pain has dissipated the next day, Maricar took out her garbage and threw it away when she saw Pierre on the lawn, doing his laundry. It was early in the morning, making her curious.

From being so disconnected with him and his life, it was the first time seeing the young man doing such stuff. He was on his black shorts, slippers and was wearing a white tank top. Maricar saw his biceps that was moderately muscular.

‘He's not as thin as I thought he would be,’ Maricar thought.

She threw the garbage bag and slowly went up to his direction. Pierre was looking at the same direction, which is why he haven't notice the young lady.

“It's still early, why did you do your laundry when the sun wasn't shining?” she curiously asked. She went in front of him and sat on a small dry chair.

He was a little surprised but quickly took back his composition. The guy answered figuratively.

“Do I have to see that the sun is high up before doing it?”

His sarcasm made her pissed off.

“You could've done it in a laundry machine.”

“I grew up doing my own laundry in my province, okay? Will you please don't disturb me? Thank you.”

Maricar stood up and splashed him with water in annoyance. “What are you trying to say? Am I that spoiled, huh?! Oh, I'm sorry that I grew up with technology!”

“That's not what I meant!”

Once again, she splashed him with water. Not just once, or twice—thrice instead. Pierre let go the final string of his patience. He wanted to take a revenge. He suddenly took the hose and blasted the young woman with water.

Maricar was shocked. She couldn't believe he did that. “Pierre Wolfram!” She tried stealing from him the hose yet he quickly raise it up.

It was a very happy scene. The water suddenly became rain above their heads. A small rainbow formed. The fence and gate were high enough to cover their doings on the lawn.

Both were already wet from their games. It was very childish, however none of them seemed to care about their age.

It came to an end when Pierre stopped to take a break but Maricar wasn't aware. She crashed onto him, making them land on the grass.

Maricar's hand was on his lean the abdomen. Her eyes were glued on Pierre's face who still had his eyes closed. As he opened, the two locked onto each other's gaze.

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