Chapter 0: Prologue

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I've never been good enough. Not in my father's eyes, nor within my family's expectations. Kaguya Shinomiya, that's me, has always been ensnared in the web of unattainable standards. Not because I couldn't achieve, but because it was never enough. Not since that day.

Now, I find myself gazing out the window of one of our family's private cars as we approach my new school, Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School. It's the nation's most prestigious high school, the only natural choice for someone of my lineage. I yearned to have taken the bus with Miyuki, but my father would never sanction a Shinomiya to arrive in such a mundane manner. At least we'll be sharing these next three years together. Despite that, I am genuinely ecstatic. Three years of reprieve from the relentless weight of my family's expectations awaits. Although my father's parting words still linger in my thoughts. "Kaguya, make sure to succeed during the next three years. If you are worthy of the Shinomiya name, you should have no issue succeeding. Even with a handicap. Be sure not to disappoint me, not again."

I've been at the top of my class for years, second only behind Miyuki so I'm not sure how I could disappoint any further. I wonder if my father expects me to be at the top of my grade here. I wonder what kind of handicap he mentioned and how that would affect me. Or was there some hidden meaning behind his words? I know my father graduated from here years ago, but he didn't tell me anything about the school I would be spending the next three years attending. I don't know, and I don't care. All I care about is spending the next three years of high school with Miyuki. I began to let my mind wander as I went back to looking out the window. As I looked out, I enjoyed the view of the ocean. The only thing that could make this better is if there were fireworks. Too bad.

After awhile of leisurely staring out the window I heard my driver speak for the first time since I left the Shinomiya estate this morning. "Lady Kaguya, we've arrived." I looked at my new school for the first time as I stepped out of the car and couldn't help but be impressed. The campus was even more expansive than I had imagined. Given my father's status as a benefactor, I suppose I should have anticipated this.

Our timing was impeccable, as I noticed a bus pulling up to the front gate just after we did. Since my belongings had been transported ahead of me, I didn't linger and made my way to the front gate. I wanted to reunite with Miyuki before entering. Standing there, waiting for the bus passengers to disembark, I soon was met with a face that I would have been happy going another 10 years never seeing again.

"Ah Shinomiya-girl, I see you have also come to this school to admire my perfect self. Well, I am in a good mood so I will allow you to admire me. Please go ahead."

"Koenji. I haven't seen you in a few months. Not since you attended my father's new year's party. However, I'm not here for you."

"Hahahaha. Shinomiya-girl, it seems you are the same as ever. If you will not accept the honor of my presence, it's your loss. I shall bid you adieu."

I breathed a sigh of relief as Koenji continued past me toward the school building. I never did like dealing with him, but I didn't want to waste any time. After a few more people exited the bus, I saw Miyuki getting off. I waved so he would notice me. Once he did, he began walking this way. As soon as he got to me the two of us began walking toward the school.

"Hello Miyuki."

"Hello Kaguya. How was your ride here? Did you get to relax?"

"Yes, I did. I apologize for not being able to take the bus with you. My father insisted that arriving by bus was beneath a Shinomiya. But even Koenji took the bus, so I don't understand what the big deal is."

"Koenji?" Miyuki asked with a puzzled look.

"Just someone I know from social circles. He's a very talented student, but that ego of his is unbelievable. He is completely insufferable to be around."

"Uh, is this Koenji a tall well-built blonde-haired boy, with shoulder length hair?" Miyuki asked with a surprised look on his face.

I realized that Koenji must have done something on the bus that made him stand out.

"Yes, he is." I replied. "What did he do this time? I asked with a sigh, knowing he probably caused a scene.

"He got into an argument with a middle-aged woman because he wouldn't give up his seat to an elderly lady on the bus." Miyuki explained. "He seemed uncaring toward a lady who looked like she could barely stand."

"That sound about right." I responded. "Koenji thinks very highly of himself, and he is incredibly stubborn too. Sorry you had to deal with him."

"It wasn't too bad. I ended up giving the lady my seat instead, so she didn't end up having to stand."

I smiled at Miyuki. Once again appreciating the fact that our ridiculous will they won't they games came to an end last year.

"I'm so glad that because of your letter of recommendation, you were able to attend here with me Miyuki. I didn't have much of a choice where I went to High School, but I can't believe you could follow me here." I said with a smile.

"Where else would I go?" He asked with a look of confusion on his face. "I'd be no fun without you around."

"Haha" I giggled at his response. "Let's go find our class."

"What class are you in Kaguya? I'm in class 1-D, how about you."

I felt my heart begin to race just a little when he said that. I had hoped to be in the same class as him, but I had forgotten to ask until now. I could hardly contain my excitement in my answer.

"Same here. I'm also in class 1-D. Isn't that great?"

"Yeah, as long as we don't get lost and end up late on our first day of class."

I once again admired his diligence. Miyuki has never been late to class even once in all the time I've known him. Even the time I rode on his bike to school.

I blushed a little remembering such silly memory.

"Come on, I don't plan on being late either."

As we approached class 1-D I had high hopes for the next three years. I would miss Fujiwara and Hayasaka, but I have Miyuki and I'll make new friends too. Three years without the constant pressure and reminders of that man, or that place.

As I opened the door to our new classroom with Miyuki by my side, I was ready to begin my new high school life, but as I laid eyes on my new classmates everything changed. My hopes and dreams for my high school life came crashing down in an instant. When I saw him. I could never forget those eyes, that apathetic face. Memories flooded back in an instant. Flashes of white, unrelenting orders, endless exams, until the day I finally broke. The last time I saw those eyes, I begged for help, for someone not to let them drag me away like the others. Those eyes started at me without a care as he watched me get dragged away by the instructors. His eyes met mine and, in that instant, I knew he recognized me too.

I had once again come face to face with the demon from my past.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji.

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