😅Road trip🚗 ( Human)

Start from the beginning

Leo" OoO a pigeon"

Donnie" Leo you see pigeons ever were in New York"

Leo"Hm whatever"

Donnie" Dad what are we gonna do when we get there"

Splinter" Were gonna do lot's of stuff going swimming, Museums"

Donnie" Museums! 🤩"

Splinter" And were going to NEW places with pizza"

Mikey" Pizza!🤩"

Splinter" And were going to the beach"


Leo" What about me?'

Splinter" Don't worry I've got something special planed for you"

Leo" 🤩"

Splinter" OK Raphael do I turn left or right?"

Raph" Left or is it right?"

Splinter" Donatello help your brother"

Donnie got up from his seat and looked at the map

Donnie" Turn right dad"

Mikey" Leo what do you think your surprise is?"

Leo" I don't know"

Mikey" Can I look out the window?"


Leo put her on his lap and looked out the window the past a farm 

Mikey" Leo look a farm"

Donnie" And what does a farm have?"

Mikey" Cows and Chickens, Sheep and um a horse"

Donnie" Correct "

Leo" Were on a road trip were not at school"

Donnie" It always a good time to learn"

Leo" It's almost like schools following me"

Raph" Haha"

Splinter" Left or right?"

Raph" Left"

Splinter" Are you sure"

Raph" Donnie"

Donnie" Yes it's a left"

Splinter continued driving they stoped and had some lunch

Splinter" No reading in the car I have bucket if anyone feeling sick"

Donnie" Nooo"

Leo" Don't worry me and Mikey will be playing in the car"

Splinter" ok what will you be doing Donatello"

Donnie" I don't know"

Splinter"Ok everyone get in the car"

Leo placed Mikey on his lap and they looked out the window they were naming things that went by.

Splinter" Ok I'm going to drive over night I would like you guys to go to bed soon"

Mikey" Ok can I get my bag out for my pillow and blanket"

Splinter" Leonardo can you do that"

Leo" Ok"

Leo got her bag out from the back and opened it up he got her blanket and pillow out. Before he closed it Mikey graded bun bun. Leo closed her bag and put it back. He went back to his seat. Mikey put the pillow on Leo and then sat on it. Leo put the blanket on Mikey and hugged her. 

Girl Mikey 🐢🧡 ( Rottmnt)Where stories live. Discover now