The referee blew the whistle signaling the substitution of Seirin. Tetsuchi walked towards where the coach is standing, he then high-fived Mitobe-senpai before he went to the bleacher where we're sitting on. He sat beside me.

"Welcome back!" I chirped when Tetsuchi sat down between me and Furihata-kun, I gave him his towel.

"Don't worry! You'll get your chance." Furihata-kun said as he gave Tetsuchi his water bottle.

I saw Tetsuchi lit up his head and a faint smile plastered on his face, "For some reason, I'm not nervous." He said then looked at me, "because I believe in them."

"Yeah, I believe in them too!" I smiled before I focus on the court where the game is starting again.

Do your best, Seirin!

Third Person's POV

"Oh no, I'm late!" A certain pink-haired girl gasped as she finally reaches the stadium after running up the long stairs.

"That Ahomine! Why do I even bother asking him to come with me to watch the game! I wasted my time on him! and besides, how could he leave a girl like me all alone!" She said to herself and pouted, "I should've told him that Tetsumi-chan is back!" but she shook off the idea because she knows too well that her childhood friend would just pester her friend by asking her to play basketball with him. But she would always turn his invite down.

The stadium full of audience roared making her look at the court where the two teams are battling. She saw the Shutoku made another three points by her former teammate, Midorima.

Freaky as always... She thought of herself as she leans on the railing but was surprised when someone called her making her turn towards the person beside her.

"Eh? Ki-chan! you're here!" She said and saw a person named Kise, he smiled at her.

"Momochi, you're here too! And could you stop naming me like that?" The blonde said as he finally went closer to the girl who called him by the weird nickname.

"But Ki-chan will always be Ki-chan!" she giggled a little, "But you call people with you nicknames too!" she sheepishly smile, mocking him. "You alone?"

The blonde just shook his head and pouted and leaned on the rail, " Yeah. I tried inviting my senpais but they all turned me down! It was heart aching!" he whined.

Momoi sweatdropped and pouted with Kise. She was the same as him; inviting someone but turned down.

"Well.. it'll be awkward watching with someone I lost to. But the winter cup participations are already decided on that!" Kise stated as he looks at her beside him.

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