Chapter 29 The Coach and Manager of Seirin

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I'm going to make this a cliche plot twist... just kidding :D and also, I will be addressing the Kuroko siblings with their first names since we have two little blue-haired kids in the story haha!

Third Person's POV

Sweats forming on Tetsumi's forehead and wiping them with her sleeve won't stop them as she just sits on the bleacher together with her coach as they analyze each movement of the opposing team and looking out for their friend, Kiyoshi Teppei who even told his teammates to let him be the only player in the inside for rebounds. With the game happening in the court,  the score is now at 45-40 in the lead of Seirin, the second quarter ends with a 10-minute break...

"Rikochi, let's have a brainstorm and we'll have to change our game," Tetsumi spoke to the coach, Aida nodded in agreement as the two prepares to go back to their room. Everyone was preparing to go back to each of their room when one player in the team of Kirisaki Dai ichi looks in a foul mood.

"Looks like he's in a bad mood," one player commented, looking at their captain. Furuhashi just looked at Hanamiya when he accidentally bumps into Kuroko Tetsuya.

"Move!" Hanamiya said and pushes Tetsuya away from him but not hard enough to hurt the person. Tetsuya stops him and looked at him seriously.

"What's the purpose of doing all of this, Hanamiya-kun? This is quite getting too far." Tetsuya spoke, now is the chance to talk to him in a brief seconds before his twin notice the two, Hanamiya's stares deepens as he took a step forward enough for the two to hear each other.

"To trigger her," he mutters which Tetsuya understands and looked at Hanamiya intently.

"You are already triggering her with your action," Despite Hanamiya in trouble due to his former teammate's resolve, he was able to smirk and spoke.

"Baka, I already did! I already see it in you, Tetsumi! It's really fun to trick her. I already know this would make her really mad because how I treated your senior last year was already a masterpiece!"

He turns around and walks away from a widen eyed Tetsuya, he thought nobody notice the skill that is being used since the start of the second quarter with his sister. But then again, he can't underestimate the person who is with Tetsumi since the two are together way back in middle school and also one of the people who helped Tetsumi to improve her ability.

Hanamiya was right as if the twin exchanged bodies as if Tetsumi is the one playing and not him but the fact that it isn't. This is due to the complete manipulation of the Empress' Eye, it's like Tetsumi gave her power to him and in order to use them, he has to follow all the orders what she told him to do.

"Looks like it/s time to use the web," Furuhashi spoke, making his friend look at him who is watching Hanamiya going back to their own room, "you should tell the team what you found out about that Kuroko."

Everyone in the team was attentive with Kiyoshi as Aida Riko discusses the strategy the two girls discussed with each other and let Tetsumi checks up on her friend, sitting across Kiyoshi, her gaze darkens as she enters in the complete focus on him as she checks every part of his body to see if anything is wrong or if any bones that are hit by the nasty play that happened.

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