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Screams could be heard all around her, the clash of steel echoed like clanking pots in a kitchen. Explosions boomed and a thin sheet of dust mixed with some filled the air. All around her men and women went at each other with an amount of violence that the elders had warned them of when talking about the world outside of the temples. Bodies littered the ground as blood clung to the sheets of snow, buildings laid collapsed, earthbenders having used portions as ammunition.

It was a blood bath, an absolute blood bath. And Leki was right in the middle of it. She wasn't just an observer she was taking an active role in it. She was fighting and killing with every fiber of her being as same as those around her were doing. She hadn't just crossed the line, she had skipped across it while singing a happy tune.

But she found she didn't care. Did she enjoy killing? No of course she didn't, but the stakes were so high in this battle that she couldn't afford to simply defend herself. In this instance she needed to kill, her pragmatic viewpoint being that the needs of the many outweighed the needs of the few. What were a few deaths by her hands compared to the fate of the world? A small price to pay in her opinion.

She, Tamura, and Baliph were moving as quickly as they could through the village. But seeing as literally the entire village was fighting them, they more than once had to stop and deal with the threat. Each of them seeming to agree to kill their opponents as quickly as possible and continue running without saying a word.

They closer they got to reaching the temple the stronger the Oracles defense became. At present she was trying to fend off three on her own, each armed with a knife that they tirelessly thrusted at her. To her left Tamura was just a ways off engaged in a back and forth battle of earthbending. Though from the glace she was able to see, Tamura was on the defensive using the airbending technique of evasion to dodge rocks as they came his way, unable to counter attack with the volume of projectiles flying in his direction.

And to her right a similar story was happening with Baliph, but in her case she was facing by far the highest number of opponents, at least seven or more. She was throwing earth left and right, many of her shots hitting but many more missing entirely. She hated to say it but the two of them were on their own right now.

To her left a woman came at her again, thrusting her knife as she closed the gap, Leki reaching by bringing her staff up under the woman's wrist and sending her strike skyward. Afterwards Leki only had time to jab the woman with the end of her staff before another attack happened right.

Leki spinning her staff around and sweeping the man's feet out from under him, following it up with a downward strike that sent a compressed jet of wind that quickened the man's fall. He wasn't least not yet, but that gave her at least a moment to focus on her other two attackers.

Jumping Leki sailed backwards just enough to give herself some extra breathing room. The two still standing coming at her from two sides while the third was quickly scrabbling to get up.

Leki focused on the sole woman of the group first, tucking her staff under her arm and shooting her other arm forwards in an open palm strike, an invisible but loud force picking her up and throwing her into the side of one of the buildings still standing. Even over the sounds of the larger battle playing out all around her she heard a sickening crack as that woman's head hit the stone hard. Her body sliding down it into a sitting position, motionless.

Leki then focus on the second, first preforming an overhead kick, a credit to her years of yoga most definitely. This kick sent a torrent of wind upwards, picking him up off his feet. While he was airborne Leki brought her staff to bear yet again, swinging it sideways. Watching as the man was thrown, screaming as he went out of sight.

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