Full Moon

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Two weeks turned into three, and finally four then finally five. With every night that passed the full moon began to take shape. And with that, Leki began to get more nervous. She was second guessing if she had indeed been right in her baseless observation. Though even if it was baseless she couldn't help but feel that she was indeed correct but she was just trying to make excuses as if her wishing it not to be true would save Iyizi from a terrible fate. After living with these people she had struck a bond of sorts with many of them. Even if she didn't speak with every single person who lived here, since she was perhaps hundred of miles away from the nearest Nomad she was "forced" to adapt.

That bond was strongest with Ren, a few times throughout their stay Leki had actually tried to help her cook. She did have some kitchen experience back in the Western Temple but certainly not with the cooking portion more the prep work, but still she helped where she could.

It was late afternoon. The wall since constructed as she and Tamura stood in that field that had since become their training ground. They circled each other in a strange sort of dance, a gentle breeze rushing over them as they would circle left around each other for a few moments, only to quickly spin around before circling right.

She admired Tamura more than she thought she would. Though they had to cut back on the training during the construction of the wall, even though Tamura was tired from the task, the two were able to get two hours of training in before it became too dark for them to see. Once the wall was finished however that training went back to the norm. She wondered what Yengi would say if she could see her now, using her knowledge to teach another.

"You're getting better." Leki said with a smile.

"You can tell just from this?" Tamura asked spinning to change his pattern to the left, Leki doing the same.

"I can, your footwork isn't as...haphazard as it use to be." Leki said. Suddenly she threw her hand forward sending a moderately strong breeze towards him. Not enough to cause any damage though it would at the very least make him stumble back.

Tamura spun around immediately and threw his fist in return sending a similarly powerful blast towards her. Leki throwing her hand back up with her palm open to break up the air as it passed by her causing her hair and clothing to jump with the current. "You're still trying to bend like it's fire though." She mumbled. "Airbending isn't about powerful strikes it's about using swift and effective hits to end a fight as soon as possible."

The two stopped their circling now, the winds around them subsiding. "Then would it not make sense to use powerful strikes?" He asked. "The quickest way to end a fight is to over power an opponent."

"Even a gentle breeze can cause a landslide." Leki said, holding a finger up for emphasis. "Like a leaf on the wind you need to react to your opponents momentum and move as they move, and use that against them. Speed and agility are key."

Tamura looked down at his feet then up at the sky and finally back at her. "I have difficulty controlling air like I can the other elements." As he spoke he held up his hand, a small flame dancing in his palm. "I can see this and I can feel this, the same with earth and water. But air..." he trailed off closing his fist. "I can't see it."

"True you can't see it but..." Leki smirked as she flicked two fingers at him, a small puff of wind hitting in in the face and knocking a few strands of his top knot free, the settling on his face. "But you can feel it."

"Fair enough." Tamura chuckled. "You know if we were in the Fire Nation I would of had to challenge you to an Agni Kai for messing with my top knot." As he spoke up he reached up, untying the red ribbon, his hair falling out of its once neat style.

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