Chapter 4: Movie Night

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When I saw Iñaki the next day he still wore his child like smile

Today he wore something simple just a white t-shirt and blue jeans. "Hi [Name]! You'll never guess what happened to me in the parking lot." Iñaki said placing his bag down near his desk

"What?" I asked tilting down my laptop screens and turning my whole body towards him

"I saw a rat. And it ran under my feet and I...I accidentally stepped on his head." Iñaki said sounding like a little boy who was confessing to his mother about something he did

"Oh my...god." I said my hands reactively going up to my face and cover my mouth in shock

"Did you..." I asked a bit of worry in my eyes

Iñaki just slightly nodded and looked down. "Well...I mean did you purposely try and kill it?" I said making Iñaki almost look offended

"No way! I gave that rat a funeral." Iñaki said pouting

"Ew you touched that thing." I said laughing while I say Iñaki trying to defend himself

"With my shoe. I didn't want it to get run over or anything." Iñaki said with his hands flying everywhere

"Oh yeah you wouldn't want to hurt the already dead rat." I said making myself laugh

The rest of class I poked fun at Iñakis huge parking lot mistake when we finally get to the end and we're both walking to our second class of the day

"So you got any homework your going to work on tonight?" Iñaki said shoving his hands into his Jean pockets

"Not that I know of but you know...I still have classes today so maybe why?" I asked feeling the breeze hit me even with my jacket on

"Oh I wanted to see if you wanted to watch a movie with me." Iñaki said shivering a bit

"Sure. What dorm?" I asked as I continued to keep an eye on Iñaki as he kept shivering every once in awhile

"308." Iñaki said his hands now rubbing his cold arms

"Hey are you okay?" I asked placing a hand on his shoulder just feeling how cold he really was

"Ooh that's nice." Iñaki said grabbing both of my hands and placing them on his face, arms, and holding my hands

His thumbs gently rubbed over my knuckles making me instinctively pull them away "oh sorry I just. Well um. Your hands were really nice and warm." Iñaki said smiling sheepishly

"Your good." I said as we fell into an uncomfortable silence as from the time we got to class to the time we finished class and went our separate ways

Not words were said.

When I got back to my dorm thinking about ordering food I felt a wave of tiredness crash into me. I thought to myself

Just like thirty minute nap....

I woke up and it was dark. Fuck. I rushed to put on pjs and I rushed out my door. I know we didn't agree on a time but it was around ten o'clock

I was half asleep but I still made it to room 308. I knocked hoping that was in his room and awake

I knocked one more time a bit frantically and Iñaki opened the door with a warm smile

"I was wondering when you would get here. My bad I didn't tell a time. Whoops. Come on in." He said opening the door. As I walked in the room looked so cool

It had light hanging from the ceiling with colorful tapestries hanging in almost every wall

"Whoa.." I said as Iñaki closed the door and hopped onto his bed that was full of stuff animals and fluffy blankets

I sat on the edge of his bed as Iñaki flipped through Netflix going through many movies

I felt pair of hands pull me farther on the bed "no need to be uncomfortable. Just lay down. Don't worry I clean my stuff often." He said smiling to me before going back to picking a movie

I smiled at his small gesture as we spent around 30 minutes to find a movie that we both agreed was okay to watch

Finding Nemo

We got to the part where Nemo went missing when Iñaki started to talk to me "So I made my decision. I think I'm going to take up on that offer." But when I looked at him he didn't seem so excited

"Well what are you doing? You seem like your going to a military school halfway across the country." I said placing a hand on Iñakis shoulder trying to give a bit of comfort

"It's not bad. It's great even. But you know I get to miss out on a lot and I've made a few friends here already. And I will being going basically halfway across the world." Iñaki said rubbing his forehead with his hand

"I mean. Yeah but your going to make friends there, I think." I said shrugging as I turned back to the movie

"I'd be leaving this week." Iñaki said making me turn my head violently

"HUH?" I said a bit confused on why he would be leaving so early. I would have atleast thought it would be a bit longer before he left

"Yeah. I'd leave this Saturday to get on a plane to South Africa." Iñaki said with a small smile at the end of the sentence

"What on earth are you doing in South Africa?" I said making Iñaki look down and smile before looking dead into my eyes with a small smirk

"You'll see." Iñaki said making me a tad bit annoyed

"Hm fine. Well if you leaving soon you've gotta give me your number. It's hard communicating to you now it's gonna suck if your thousand miles away." I said rummaging my pocket and pulling out my phone

I unlocked it and handed it to Iñaki who very quickly typed his number in and handed me back my phone

He put his own contact as "Kiki"

"Kiki?" I asked raising one eye brow

"I know a few people who call me that." Iñaki said smiling to me like he always did. Like a child.

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