Chapter 2: Shared Class

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The days passed by quickly and [Name] was on their way to their college dorm their car filled to the brim with boxes. They walked up and down the stairs about a million times before all the boxes were inside. They closed the door noticing that their roommate hadn't got here yet. They started to unpack when they heard the lock unlock. They stood up and looked at the door as a girl with red hair entered. She had big eyeliner and black lips with many face peircings

"Hi." she said giving [Name] a small smile before unpacking her own things. [name] quickly finished putting everything they wanted either away or on the wall. [Name] smiled as everything seemed to be in place.

"So is this your first year?" She asked hanging up a picture of what I could see of her and her partner

"Uh yeah. You can tell?" [Name] asked feeling their cheeks heat up a bit feeling a bit embarrassed

"Not a bad thing. I just never seen you on campus before so I thought this was your first year." She said dusting off a mirror before placing it on her nightstand "Im kasey by the way." She said smiling at [Name]

"[Name}." [Name] responded

"Nice to meet you [Name]" Kasey said before we both went to doing our own thing. We slowly got into more comfortable conversations asking about where we are from and what we like. Getting to know each other

Night fell and we both fell asleep on our bed tired from talking the day away.

I woke up around 10 and knew that I had to get ready in about an hour since I had classes starting at 12.

I layed in my bed for about one hour and started to get ready picking out an outfit and then kinda of just waiting till it was near 12 to start walking to my class

I wore some baggy jeans, a plain black tee and a jacket since it was kinda cold outside today.

I walked into the enormous class and took a seat near the back, all the way to the left.

The class was about to start in two minutes and I could easily tell that there weren't many people in this class since there were only ten other people sitting but I couldn't tell just yet since we still had more time and it was technically the first day so some people may still be finding their classes

I saw the professor walk into the class and walk to his desk looking at his watch very closely waiting for class to start. When clock hit 12 he slapped his hands together.

"Welcome to intro to software engineering." He said pointing to the huge board that says his name and "intro to software engineering"

"As you can read you can tell my name is Professor Barnes. And I hope we all-" the door swung open to reveal the guy from the beach.

I didn't give him much mind, I couldn't really care if he was in this class or not. It didn't really affect me.

"Mister..."Mr Barnes took a pause looking at a sheet trying to find his name

"Iñaki, Iñaki Godoy." He said still standing in the door frame

"Mister Iñaki, please take a seat." The professor insisted making Iñaki close the door and start to walk around as he looked to find a seat. Mr. Barnes started to talk about the syllabus and when everything was due and a little about himself. His wife and kids and a few pictures of his dog.

I felt someone sit right next to me. I could see in the corner of my eye that it was Iñaki. "Hey um do you have a pencil I can borrow?" He asked lightly tapping my shoulder

I turn to him before lightly nodding a rummaging into my bag and grabbing a pencil for him. As the rest of class goes of Mr.Barnes talking about what to expect with this class and how "his class is hard to fail"

I could feel myself getting tired as I checked my phone which read 1:05 and realized I had about five more minutes till I had to go to my next class.

As soon as the time ran out I grabbed my stuff and left since my next class was across campus. I was basically panting by the time I got to class and took my seat.

When the teacher was talking I didn't realize how tired I was even though I slept until 10. I woke up I guess around and hour later since people were starting to pack up

I cursed at myself since I only had to get through this class before I have two free hours till my next class.

My stomach then grumbled as I was packing bag with what little I had put on my desk

I started to slowly walk to the lunch hall to grab something's to eat since I don't think I had breakfast this morning

I made it to lunch hall and basically packed my box and used one of my meal tickets. I mean this box was literally about it to burst. I felt someone tap my shoulder making me turn around a bit fast to see it was Iñaki

"You forgot your pencil." He said with a small smile

I shook my head. "It's fine I got tons. You can keep it." I said trying to shoo him away

I heard a low sigh before he placed the pencil on the top of my box. I looked at him confused as he just walked away. I got back to my dorm room and told Kasey what happened and she agreed it was quite weird

"Why do you think he did that?" I asked dangling my feet from my bed as our beds are like ten feet in the air

"My guess is he feels guilty about taking someone's stuff?" Kasey said unsure

"How on earth could he feel guilty about a pencil?" I asked taking a bite of the sandwich I got from lunch hall

"I don't know, ask him." Kasey shrugged as she took one of my chips

"Or what if he is trying this so I talk to him?" I asked taking another bite

"I don't know. Ask him don't ask him, it really doesn't matter," Kasey said getting in her own bed

"Fine..." I said dragging out the e

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