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Florence woke up the next morning, she felt a body pressed against her. She looked over to see Carlisle still laying there. "Did you stay there all night?" She rolled over to face him completely, the blanket still covering us.

"You're warm, I like it." His eyes trailed down to Florence's now exposed chest.

"Eyes are up here. We did plenty of that last night." Florence used her finger to guide his chin back up.

"And you did no complaining. If I recall, you wanted to keep going." Carlisle said smugly. A knock was heard at the door before Esme pocked her head in.

"Morning sleepyhead. Alice needs to talk to everyone in the living room." Esme's tone became serious at the end.

"We'll be down in five minutes." Carlisle placed a kiss on Florence's cheek and got out of bed to get ready. Esme looked at Florense with a smirk at the sight before her. She wriggled her eyebrows teasingly, before closing the door on her way out.

Once they got ready, they walked towards the living room. Everyone was sat on the soft beige sofas. They looked more like decoration than for use.

"Edward's called." Alice was met with confused looks and wanted her to elaborate, "It's about Bella." Alice broke the silence, everyone's head snapped towards her. Not a single look was friendly, but hostile. Carlisle's grip around Florence's waist tightened, "A vampire has been in Bella's room." She added.

"A nomad? Was Charlie there?" Florence questioned. She may not have liked Bella, but Charlie was kind, and she wouldn't wish him unnecessary harm.

"Yes. He was asleep. We don't think it's a nomad though." Alice answered.

"A nomad wouldn't be sniffing around her room, nor left Charlie alive." Rosalie stated.

"Why Bella? Isn't she like irrelevant now?" Emmett looked over at Alice. Florence felt the anger within her bubble up the more Bella was mentioned. The anger slowly dissipated partially. Florence glanced at Jasper and gave him an appreciative smile, whilst he nodded his head slightly in response.

Everyone continued asking Alice questions about a vision and the phone call, even after she explained everything she knows. Florence sat in silence the entire time, she couldn't care enough to participate in this. "Florence?" Carlisle snapped his fingers in her face to get her attention.

"Huh?" Florence looked at everyone's face.

"Are you okay?" He questioned.

"Honestly? She can fuck herself. I'm not getting involved in this. I'll make a call." Florence got up and went onto the balcony, closing the sliding glass doors after her. Not that it'd stop them from hearing.

If Bella can't get over the fact that Edward is just a boyfriend, and she is using him to become a vampire, because being a human and having every possibility to live is just too boring. And if she won't put on her big girl pants, and accept the fact she needs to drop the whole supernatural life idea. Then she can deal with this all by herself and her puppy wrapped around her finger.

Florence opened her phone and searched for a specific contact. Her. It's been a while since she called her, and only felt guilty every time she thought of it. She brought the phone to her ear as she waited for her to respond. "Hello Florence? I didn't expect you to call me. Is this about that vampire thingy?" Adriana hesitantly questioned.

"Yes Ads. Sorry I haven't talked to you recently, but can the wolves take over this one, or make Bella deal with it herself, because I'm supposed to be enjoying my holiday and she still finds a way to intervene!" Florence groaned into the phone and was met with a laugh in response. "I'll try to handle the situation. Enjoy the sun and the sex whilst it lasts." She hung up laughing at the end.

"That I will." Florence smiled, pocketing her phone. She stepped back inside, "I've called an old friend, and she's going to get the wolves to deal with it instead." Florence huffed.

"Who?" Rosalie's face scrunched up, wondering who she could be taking about.

"Adriana, I met her after you guys left, and she's Sam's sister." Florence explained briefly, yet to tell them about her old girlfriend.

Rosalie suggested going to the waterfall she and Florence found, so everyone can de-stress after today, and they were all happy to comply.

When they got there, Emmett stood at the top of the waterfall and opened his arms, embracing the breeze. But before he could fully enjoy it, Florence kicked him in the back of the legs, and they weakened. He wobbled at the edge before tumbling over the edge.

They watched with amusements as he plummeted towards the water. When he rose back up from under the water and spat water out. He glanced up at everyone and narrowed his eyes at Florence and Rosalie, trying to decipher which one of them it was.

"Not it." She dived down, head first to join him. How does she make that look graceful? It is beyond Florence. When everyone looked down at the drop, Florence pushed as many as possible off the edge.

But, Jasper grabbed her last second and brought her with him. The drop was terrifying, yet thrilling. They all lost track off time, playing games and just swimming in general. When Caarlisle noticed the sun directly above them, "We've been here for a few hours now, should we go back?" He suggested. And that's what they did, after all ganging up on him and tackling him back into the water, of course.

The rest of the holiday was just them, surrounded by everyone's happiness, and no school, work or Bella related drama. Just the sun, the beach and Emmett's goofiness. Although the latter was a guarantee wherever they went. Most of the time, they spent one-on-one time with Florence, and their other partner, or both. As well as doing stuff all together.

A few times, Carlisle snuck Florence away further down the beach, to the edge of the forest, and gave her a mini picnic, as they watched the sun rise or set. And, to keep her going, Carlisle took Florence to the populated part of the island to properly feed on people. Under supervision of Carlisle, so she didn't accidentally kill them.

Jasper laid with Florence on the beach. He taught Florene about the constellations, and he gave her some self-defence and fighting 'training sessions' as he liked to call them. Despite Florence being a vampire, he insisted she knew them, as brute strength against a trained vampire may not always work.

Emmett taking Florence to a hot spot for bigger and tastier prey. Despite her preferring genuine food - which Carlisle thankfully supplied her - the way his face would light up when they got there and he'd catch something, it was adorable, and forever imprinted into her brain. Emmett, being his usual self, normally turned it into some form of competition.

Esme taught Florence some recipes from when she was growing up, and her favourite dishes her mother used to make for her when she was Florence's age, or younger. This, Florence adored. She'd still probably have Esme cook for her, but she enjoyed knowing Esme's recipes for when Florence was at her own house, and fancied one of those meals.

Rosalie took Florence to the roof at night, sometimes. They would watch the stars, and had a heartfelt conversation about anything and everything. Whether it'd be about life, gossip, or just talking about childhood memories. It was simple, but would still remain a treasured memory in Florence's head.

Then there was Alice, who was just a ball of never-ending energy. They'd race through the woods and swim together, but Florence's favourite thing to do with her was when she acted like a child, and made lots of mini sandcastles in front of the house, which Emmett destroyed a few of. Actually, most of them.

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