33 | Against My Chest

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Rosé heard my determination in my tone, and I could see that she finally understood my resolve

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Rosé heard my determination in my tone, and I could see that she finally understood my resolve. She nodded to herself.

I still think it's too dangerous. I'm not sure you're that strong.

She turned around and started walking slowly back toward the house. I kept pace with her.

"Your life isn't what you wanted," I began quietly. "But in the last seventy years or so, would you say you've had at least five years of pure happiness?"

Flashes of the best parts of her life, all of them revolving around Hoseok, moved through her head, though I could see that, obstinate as ever, she didn't want to agree with me.

I smiled halfheartedly. "Ten years, even?"

She wouldn't answer me.

"Let me have my five years, Rosé," I whispered. "I know it can't last. Let me be happy while happiness is possible. Be part of that happiness. Be my sister, and if you can't love my choice the way I love yours, can you at least pretend to tolerate him?" My words, gentle and quiet, seemed to hit her like bricks. Her shoulders were suddenly stiff, brittle.

I'm not sure what I can do. Seeing everything I want..... out of my reach... It's too painful. A young person just as I was. He could later marry another human, possibly have children. A real family.

It would be painful for her, I knew that. But I also knew that her regret and sorrow wouldn't equal even a fraction of the anguish that was waiting for me. Rosé's life would go back to what it was now. Hoseok would be there throughout to comfort her.

"I'm simply asking for you to try," I demanded, my voice sterner than before.

"I'm simply asking for you to try," I demanded, my voice sterner than before

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Her walk slowed for a few seconds, and her eyes were on her feet. Finally, her shoulders slumped and she nodded. I can try.

"There's a chance... Jimin saw Jungkook coming to the house in the morning."

Her eyes flashed up, angry again. I need more time than that.

I held my hands up, placating. "Take the time you need."

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