"Something going on?" Tony asks me.

"No, nothing." I say.

"You're acting super weird Alia." Tony says, his face having the same perplexed look on it.

"Just had a day." I say quickly. I need to get him out of here but now I've acted so weird he wont leave.

"Come here." Tony says and never thing I know I'm stuck being held by him. Usually I'd love being close to him, I'd probably even make a move on him, but now is not a great time for that.

I glance at my phone thats behind him. I need to break out this hug and text Khalil right now and tell him not to come anymore. 

"You must really being feeling shitty, you haven't even tried to touch me." Tony jokes with me, pulling back to look at me.

A force a super awkward laugh that makes us both cringe at it.

"Whats going on, Alia?" he asks. "Did I walk into something I shouldn't? Is someone else here?" he asks.

"What?? Tony, no." I say quickly. I take a deep breath, ready for my brain to come up with a great excuse, but its interrupted by a knock at the door.

I feel my eyes widen in fear as I look at him. I know to him this situation is different than it is. He thinks I'm seeing some other guy tonight and I am, but not in the way he thinks I am. But I can't tell him. 

"Wrong address." I say to him before I can stop myself.

"You didn't even check who is it." he says.

"I didn't need to, I just know." I say.

He runs a hand through his hair, clearly frustrated. "Okay, well I'm gonna go, have fun with whoever that is." he says then starts for the door.

"Tony, no!" I say, grabbing his arm to pull him back. "I can't explain it, okay, but its not what you think it is."

He gives me a look as if he doesn't believe me. I know he doesn't. I wouldn't believe me.

Another set of knocks rings through the awkward silence in my place. I don't think he's going to give up.

"Okay, Alia." he says dully. "Have a good night."

I watch as he turns and heads back to the door. I can't let him leave like this. I know if he leaves tonight that he wont come back again, he's just that type of guy, and I don't want that to be how this ends.

"Don't go." I say quickly. "I'll explain later, but please stay."

He stares at me unsure. His body is still pointed towards the door so I figure he's going to keep headed that way, but instead he turns and heads for the couch. I, on the other hand, head to answer the door so I can tell Khalil to leave.

I open the door a sliver so I can try and slide out, but Khalil bursts in clearly excited to see me for the first time in years.

"Alia!" he says happily as he hugs me. "I knew you'd text me again sometime."

I push out the hug and take a step back to put some space between us. "It was a mistake, I don't need anything, I'm sorry I wasted your time."

Khalil waves me off with a hand. "You always said that." he reaches into his pocket and pulls out two dime bags and slaps them into my hand. "I got an extra for you as a welcome back kind of bag."

"I don't want it." I say, pushing it back towards him. 

"I know you didn't call me here for nothing." he says.

"I'll pay you double if you just take it and go." I say, pushing it into him, trying not to obsess over the way it feels through the bag.

"No payment necessary, I'm just happy you're back in."

One Hundred Sleepless NightsWhere stories live. Discover now