Teenage Tour Guide

Start from the beginning

"Not really."

"Ah, what's new?" I shrug as I realise that this could be worse.


"I said what else do you do?" I lie in a panic.

"I'm on the JV hockey team. We actually won gold as team USA at the Junior Goodwill Games. That's why we got our scholarships." He doesn't hesitate to flaunt his achievements.

"Wow. Do you tell every girl that or am I a special case?" I quip.

"Hey, you asked."

"I guess so. Congratulations. I'm sure that wasn't easy." I commend him and try to take a mental note of all the places we've walked by.

"Not at first, but then we had some fun with it."

"I don't know too much about hockey, but it must be nice to be part of a team." I comment with an air of sadness shrouding my mind at what I've always longed to have.

"Oh, yeah, they're great! Love those guys!" He beams. "I could introduce you - teach you some hockey." He offers.

"Sure. I'll have to take a raincheck on the hockey part though. I just wanna get settled in first."

"Sure thing."

2 months later - third person...

To no surprise of Portman's, the Ducks welcomed Y/N with open arms. Y/N, however, found it a little difficult to adjust. Finally, she has a group of friends who accept her and allow her to get out of the house - though her insecurities mess with her mind. Slowly, but surely, Y/N has begun opening up to a select few on the team. She has also gotten to grips with their beloved sport.

The first person Y/N goes to with anything is Dean. Having met him first and bonding over their shared love of horror, Y/N is closest to and trusts Portman the most (with Fulton and the girls close behind). However, she lives blissfully unaware of his true feelings. In truth, he's become obsessed with her. He's head over heels - madly in love - and she hasn't noticed a thing. The team tease him for their closeness and his admiration, but he shrugs it off. Though he has false confidence a lot of the time, he doesn't dare to say anything to her.

Y/N's pov...

It's been a couple of months since I started at Eden Hall - the Ducks have been the only ones keeping me afloat. I'm still shocked by how willing they were to accept me into the friend group - especially considering I'm the only one who doesn't play hockey, and didn't know a thing about it at the time. I'm grateful for that and fir Dean being kind enough to introduce me to the best people I've ever met. Part of me can't help but worry that they all ditch me one day though.

Dean has been somewhat of a blessing - almost like a guardian angel. We've spent hours talking about and watching a variety of horror movies. I still remember how one of the first things we talked about was how morbid filming The Shining was and how it messed up Shelley Duvall. It gets morbid fast sometimes. He even bought a couple packs of horror patches to split with me and Fulton. He's been a great friend.

Not only has he given me someone to talk about horror movies with, but he's helped to give me a whole new distraction. I've been enjoying watching the guys playing - I never miss a game. If anything, it's helped me learn quicker seeing my friends on the ice. I still have a lot to learn, but at least I know what's going on at the games.

I'd never say this to anyone, but I think I think I'm starting to like Dean more than a friend... I don't know. Maybe I'm just saying that because he's the first person to show me consistent kindness. So, I don't know if I'm delusional about my own feelings - but he sees me as a friend and I don't want to ruin that. It's like Portman has given me a new life - a fresh start with new friends and a new location. I'm not going to destroy the best thing I've ever had by opening my mouth - especially when I'm conflicted in my head.

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