chapter 12: the end

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"So, uh.. how do I say this?"
"Say what Kris?"
I was expecting the worst answer ever. Yes, we did talk over the phone but what if he had changed his mind?

"Ugh! I don't know... I think we'd be better off as friends."

"Oh... why? Why'd you change your mind? You told me over the phone that we could start over. Am I not good enough?"

"No, it's not that! You are an amazing person but I've found someone better."

"So.. you lied to me? That we could start over?" I felt anger start to boil in me.

"That was the only way you'd come here!"

"You fucking lied to me!
You're an ass Kris, you know that?! Right?! You are the worst person ever! I'm leaving. Goodbye." I turned around to leave when he suddenly pulled me into a hug.

"We can still be friends, Martina. Think about it. We can-"

"We cannot be friends. I won't allow it. You and I, no way. You've pissed me off so much."

"But you can still find a boy-"

"Oh, I will! And I will find someone who is actually not a liar. Someone who is better than you are. I don't know what I saw in you. How was I so dumb?" I tugged my hand away from his and opened the door and slammed it as I walked away.

He kept running after me but I ran faster. I've never ran like this before, I guess it was all from the anger I had in me.

He stopped chase after me. I guess he got too tired or maybe he just gave up.

Then I realized something. I didn't have a plane ticket to get back.

I decided I was going to go find a cheap hotel to stay in for the night since I was pretty tired and then in the morning I'd go buy a plane ticket.

I went on my phone and found a few places that looked relatively okay to stay in.


3rd person pov

While staying at the hotel, Martina decided that getting drunk was the best option. But not without a little help. In the room that was next to hers was a guy with long blonde hair. He was totally Martina's type. Everything she wanted in a guy.

She asked him to come to her hotel room to get drunk. Usually, she would be too shy and anxious to ask someone to do that, especially at a hotel. But tonight was an exception.

The guy came in and they both opened two bottles of beer, chugging them fastely. They sat on the bed, talking, as they got a bottle of wine. Martina opened it and filled two glasses to the brim. They both took a sip at the same time, looking at each other.

"So, what do you like to do pretty lady?" The blonde man asked, leaning in closely to Martina.

"Uhm... I like..." Her mind was foggy. She couldn't think of anything.

"You have no answer?"

She quickly nodded and started blushing like crazy. The guy was so hot. She couldn't stop staring at his lips.

"Alright.. I'll tell you what I like."

Just as he said that, he grabbed her face, pulling her into a kiss. She put his arms on his shoulders, kissing him hard.
His arms drifted towards her back and down to her legs?

Martina didn't think much of it until she felt a sharp pain in her stomach.


She looked down and saw that he had stabbed her. She was bleeding. Panic was rushing through her as she tried to get up and run. But he firmly grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him, slicing her neck.

Blood was all over him and he loved every second of it.

Kris' pov

I was at Bojan's, bawling my eyes in his bedroom as he was in the kitchen, making me tea. I had truly fucked it all up.

"Holy shit... KRIS! Come over, quick!" I quickly came in to the living room. Bojan was shocked and crying?

I look at the TV and see Martina's dead body.

She had been killed and all because of me.

A/N: holy moly the end is here! lmao sorry for not updating for a long ass time, had some things going on :P
hope you liked this cuz its the end and i had no more will to write and also cuz i just am not as much into their music i was a few months ago.

★ Idiot ★ Kris GuštinWhere stories live. Discover now