chapter 1

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It's summer of 2023. , specifically July. Martina has had a great tour that lasted from March to June. All concerts sold out. A dream every artist could ever imagine to have. Now she decided that she wants to take a break from touring and go on vacation to Italy. She is thinking about going to Puglia.

Martina's pov

I've always been draw to the country Italy. Maybe it's the language? Or maybe the music? Or maybe the amount of hot women and men they have? Whatever it was, I knew damn well that I was going to Italy.

For my trip I decided to carry a big suitcase, a smaller one and my trusty dusty purse. For someone, it might be too much but to me, it is perfect. In the big suitcase I decided to put all of my clothes and shoes. I also decided to put some of Zeko's stuff in there. It took me at least 20 minutes to shove everything inside of it. In my smaller suitcase I decided to put my toiletries, hair stuff and of course my beloved makeup. I couldn't live without makeup. It's my way of expressing myself and I just can't bring myself to not use it. In my purse, I decided that I was gonna put my phone, phone charger, gum and some other small things in the morning.

On my trip to Puglia I also decided to bring my puppy, Zeko. I was gonna be in Puglia for almost four weeks and being that much away from my dog just felt awful. I went first grabbed the big suitcase and carried it down, outside where my car was. I put it in the car trunk and went back into the house to grab the smaller one, doing the same like I did with the big one. After I was sure that I packed everything for the trip, I went to bed, my heart full of excitement.

The next morning, I woke up to my loud ass alarm. It was four in the morning but I had to do what I had to do. I got up and went to the kitchen to make myself something to eat but I soon realized I wasn't hungry. I wanted to throw up from all of the excitement. It was my first time going to a foreign country, all alone. I decided to just eat a piece of chocolate and wash it down with water. After that, I went to grab some dog food to feed Zeko.

As soon as I started shaking the food into her bowl she came running towards me. I left her to eat while I went to pack my purse. In my purse I put my phone, phone charger, lip gloss, gum, mints, inhaler, vape, pack of cigarrettes and of course a pack of tissues. It's pretty ironic that I have asthma but I just love to smoke. I made sure that Zeko did all of her needed business outside before we got into the car.

Zeko was sitting in her little dog carrier which I decided to put in the front seat, right next to me. And so we started our drive to the airport. I started playing music since it was getting boring. Thankfully, it was four, almost 5 in the morning so there wasn't any traffic so we got to the airport relatively quickly.

★ Idiot ★ Kris GuštinWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt