[010] desire for something new

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Theo turns his head to see Sarah Cameron standing before him, wearing a beautiful white dress with her hair falling down her back. Her smile is bright, a complete contrast to how he's feeling right now, welcoming as well. He manages to return it, not wanting to take his bad mood out on the girl.

"I kind of feel it. You having a good night?" Theo asks, directing the attention away from himself even if it's just briefly.

"Good enough. Dance with me? I can't keep pretending I don't see you being all broody over here," Sarah comments with a teasing smile, holding her hand out for the boy to take. After a few moments of thinking about it, he grabs her hand and lets himself be pulled towards the dance floor.

He feels a little more carefree in this moment, more so than he had with Maisie a little earlier because there is no awkwardness between him and Sarah. From all experiences, she's a nice enough girl, even if he'd heard differently from Kiara several times. It's more so the older Cameron sibling he has an issue with, it's always been that way.

"I saw you talking to with Maisie earlier, did you two figure that whole thing out?" Sarah asks with a slight giggle as Theo twirls her around. "She's been doing the whole 'Theo hates me' thing for days now,"

"Not really but I'm a little less mad than I was before," Theo answers honestly and she nods, understanding seemingly washing over her features.

"That's a start,"


To his surprise, and probably everybody else around them, Theo finds that he is actually enjoying himself. For those few minutes, he simply just acts like all his problems don't exist, that he's genuinely happy with his life.

Sarah laughs at his poorly executed dance moves as she copies them, the two chuckling so loudly that they have more than likely drawn in the attention of the crowd. The blonde stumbles forward into his arms and he manages to maneuver them so that he can dip her close to the ground before pulling her back up.

Theo can't see them out of the corner of his eye but Eric and Emmy are watching the scene so fondly, the woman's heart soaring as she watches her step-son be openly himself. His mother, on the other hand, is sipping on her wine as she stands beside Ward Cameron, eyes on the two of them like a hawk. It's almost as if she's trying to get his attention, to show that she cares, yet not once does Theo even glance in her direction.

Sarah opens her mouth to say something when she feels a tap on her shoulder, the blonde turning her head to see a familiar face. "JJ?"

That grabs Theo's attention, eyes on the other boy almost instantly, drawn to him like some sort of magnet. JJ does catch his gaze, even if it's only for the briefest of moments, before looking to Sarah. "Yep,"

MIDNIGHT RAIN, jj maybank Where stories live. Discover now