13. puzzled feelings

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Saad sat up straight as he saw Rushda bring him tea.
"This was not needed, Rushda." He told her as she kept the tray on the coffee table in front of him.
"Sadia's going to take a long time, to gather all her belongings and pack them. Have tea as you wait." Rushda said as she sat down.
"Are you upset about her leaving?" He asked as he picked up the cup from the table.
"Yeah, I'm but I'm happy about how Sadia is excited about her new home. But I'm upset with you."
"Me?" He asked confused.
"Yes, what was the need to move so far? It is almost a two-hour drive from here." She complained.
"Oh," Saad replied, chuckling.
"Sadia always wanted us to have this dream house before she got married and I felt this was the right time." Rushda smiled. "She's the luckiest to have you."

"Rushdaa." They heard Sadia scream.
"I think she needs some help," Rushda said, rushing out.


The winter break was coming to an end the next day. Rida was back with her preparations for university, for the new semester.

"Listen, there's this list of books I want you to get me when you return from university tomorrow," Rushda said as she bookmarked a page of the book she read.
"Okay, send me the list."
"Also, when would your results be out?"
"In a week or so, I guess."
Rushda nods.
"One semester is done, now eight more semesters. I hope even those just pass by smoothly."
"And the internship too."
Rushda looks on. "Getting permission for the internship is difficult."
"What do you mean?" Rida says, confused.
"Baba doesn't know the internship is mandatory."
"You didn't tell him?"
"He didn't ask anything regarding it."
"What if he denies? My hard work will be ruined."
"There's a lot of time. Basically years. We will find a way, don't worry."
'If getting permission for the internship is difficult, practicing my profession in this home is impossible. And I'll also be married off to someone like Anas.'


"I was wondering if you wanted to tell me something for a while now," Samaira asked, looking suspiciously as they watched television.
"Yeah, results are gonna be out in two days it seems."
"No, not this. Wait, what? Results?" Samaira exclaimed.
"It's not like just attempt and get away."
"But so soon. Mama will again start restricting me."
"If you study, she won't."
"Huh. Who am I even talking to?"
"Don't talk, no one asked you to."
"I'll just go. And worry about my results peacefully." Sheryaar chuckles.
"Who worries in peace?"


The following morning, Rida walked into the university. The cold wind blew, the dried leaves covered the campus ground and everyone was in their best winter outfits.

Rida kept calling Inaya until she finally saw her.
"Finally, the break is over and I can see you every day," Inaya says.
"Yes, I missed seeing you, and the campus too."
"I kinda like the winter vibes here."
"I know, right."
"I'm tensed for the result though."
"When are they gonna be declared?"
"Tomorrow? So soon?"

Rushda stood in the middle of the lawn as she instructed the maid. The maid greets someone behind Rushda. Rushda turns to look at the person and gets shocked.
"Anas." She says, letting out a breath.
"What are you doing here?"
"I decided that I'm not going to leave without a date today."
"Yes. Are you excited?"
"Your case?"
"It will keep happening. Don't worry, I'll win it like I won the last one."
"No... I'm not going to marry-"

"Anas?" Saleha called out, walking out from the hall. He greets her.
"Come in." Saleha welcomed her. He nods at her and leaves after glancing at Rushda.


Rida walks into the library to find Sheryaar already waiting for her.
"Hi." She greets as they see each other.
"So how was your vacation?"
"It was fine." She replied, settling down.
"How were the gifts? Did you like them?"
"And your sister?"
"Did your sister like the gifts?"
"She isn't a fan of luxury brands so..."

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