Chapter 16

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Olivia woke up the next morning. Everyone fawned over her the whole day. Luna Diane made sure they were fed and sat with her when Damien went to freshen up. He really didn't want to leave her, but he obeyed his mother. Luna Diane is one woman you do not mess with. She won't hesitate to put people in their place.

While Damien was gone, Luna Diane did the classic pull out a photo album to share embarrassing stories with Olivia. They were laughing and having a good time when Damien came back to the room.

Damien asks, "What do you to have there?"

Olivia giggled, "You had a nice little tosh as a little tater tot."

Damien's face paled, "MOM! What are you showing her?"

He raced over and took the album. Olivia and Diane were laughing so hard they teared up. Damien walked out of the room to hide the album. When he came back, they two ladies finally stopped laughing.

Olivia pouted, "Why are you mad? You were adorable."

Luna Diane piped in, "He was an adorable little thing. Too bad he took the book. We weren't even halfway done."

Damien frown, "No. No more embarrassing pictures."

The rest of the stay was pleasant with Olivia and Diane teasing Damien. Damien took the teasing well because he was happy that Olivia was enjoying herself and was up socializing.

Damien eventually brought Olivia home, even though he didn't want to. He stayed to speak with her parents for a while then left. What her parents didn't know is that he snuck into her window so he can stay with her. He had been really scared of losing her this time and he just couldn't be away from her.

Damien did the same routine as before, pick Olivia up like normal for school and bring her to the pack house. Her parents never suspected a thing. Rin and Mike would visit her when they could. On the weekends she would hang out with Amy. They would either hang at one of their houses or go out.

A month has gone by, and Oliva was cleared to go back to school. Things have been peaceful for a while. There was no attacks and the camp that Heather's two friends were still at, kept a close eye on them. But they didn't intend on escaping. They, surprisingly, liked it at the camp.

There is one thing though, Rin had something playing on his mind. He is going back home during Christmas and he's not coming back. He wants to take Olivia with him, but he doesn't want to pressure her into a choice. His father thinks he has been gone long enough and he needs to learn of his pack duties. He does work with his uncle, but each pack is a bit different. He decided to hold out just a little longer to give Olivia a chance to finish healing.

Time has passed and the holidays have arrived. For Halloween, Olivia decided to dress up as Little Red Riding Hood. Damien, Rin, and Mike thought it was funny. They even dressed as "werewolves" to make it even funnier.

For Thanksgiving, Olivia's parents held a party. They invited Olivia's friends and their parents. It was a wonderful time. Olivia's parents got along with Damien's parents and Rin's uncle and aunt. Everyone had a great time and ate until they couldn't move.

Come the beginning of December, Rin decided he needed to tell Olivia. He was running out of time. He didn't want to do this to her, but he understood his father. It had to be done. He first, out of respect, had a talk with Damien. They decided to meet up at a neutral location and didn't involve Olivia.

After Damien dropped Olivia off at home, him met Rin at a local diner. After they got some food Rin got right down to business.

Rin states, "I have to go back home for Christmas, and I won't be returning. I know you are Olivia's mate, but I want her to be mine. I want to bring her with me."

Damien growls, "No. She is mine. You can't have her."

Rin shakes his head, "You don't get to decide for her. I am telling you out of courtesy and respect. Even though we are rivals, I have come to respect you. I see you have changed. But I think we need to ask Olivia what she wants to do."

Damien sighs, "I know she should be able to decide. But I don't want to let her go. I have come to see just how wonderful and strong she is. She's going to be an amazing luna."

"Exactly. She's perfect and beautiful. So, I think this weekend make sure you have nothing to do, and we sit her down and tell her. I don't want to pressure her, but I am running out of time. I fly out the week before Christmas."

Damien's shoulders sag, "I will let my father know. I'll bring pizza and you can bring one of those cakes she likes. We will sit down and lay it all out."

"Okay. That sounds fine. She deserves to be pampered."

"She deserves the world. So, we agree. I'll text her to let her know."

"Why don't we do a group chat. That way we can all be in on it."


Damien starts chat. He has Olivia as my love and Rin as pain.

Damien: Can Rin and I have a talk with you this weekend?

My Love: Yes. Is there a problem?

Pain: We just have something important to talk about little one.

My Love: Rin? You're on here too. Should I be scared?

Damien: No. It's just really important.

My Love: Okay. I will leave Saturday open.

Pain: Sounds good. We will be there at noon. I will bring you cake from your favorite bakery. What would you like?

My Love: I would like their white chocolate raspberry cake please.

Damien: I'll bring pizza. Any request?

My Love: I want extra cheesy. You two are getting along. I am really scared.

Pain: Don't be. Promise just important talking.

My Love: Okay. Well, I'm going to finish homework. Talk to you guys later.

Damien: Good night my love.

Pain: Good night little one.

For the rest of the week, Olivia was worried about the talk. Neither male would tell her anything. She asked Mike but he didn't even know there was going to be a talk. So, Olivia impatiently waited for Saturday.

Saturday came and at noon there was a knock on Olivia's front door. She checked the peephole and it was Damien and Rin. She invites them in and they sit to eat and have casual conversation for a bit.

Olivia sighs, "Okay guys. Please tell me what this is all about."

Rin takes a deep breath and begins.

Mates (Original version)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon