Chapter 15

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It's a Monday, yet again, and there is school. Olivia, as per usual, is picked up by an extremely happy Damien. He was so happy to see her after not being able and because he is aware of the date with Rin. He was so miserable all weekend. The only highlight was texting her and the selfie she sent. Little does she know that selfie is his home screen.

On the way to school Damien was so talkative and Olivia enjoyed the conversation. Once they arrived, Rin walks up and the three walk into school together. She stops short because right at her locker is a crying Amy. Olivia slowly approaches Amy.

Amy sees her and hugs her, "I'm so so so sorry. I shouldn't have said what I did or be so mean. It wasn't your fault. I can't make Kyle like me back and you had nothing to do with that. Please forgive me. You are one of my best friends."

Olivia starts crying, "I'm sorry too. I don't know what was going through Kyle's head. Let's forget and get back to being friends."

As the two girls cry, another set of arms come around them. They look up to see Mike crying as well. The three besties are now friends again. The two Alphas just stand to the side and let them have their moment.

Everything seems to be back as it was. During lunch Olivia tells all about the dates to Amy and Mike. Even if Damien and Rin did not like hearing about the other's date, they kept their mouths shut.

After school Damien drops Olivia home. He is unable to stay because he has something to do with his father. He walks her to the door and gives her a peck on the lips and take off. She lets herself in and goes to the kitchen to grab a snack. There was a knock at her door. She thought it was Damien again.

She opens the door without looking through the peephole and there stood Heather. Olivia screams and goes to slam the door closed but wasn't quick enough. Heather forces the door open. Olivia runs through the house and out the back door making it to the woods. She calls Damien as she runs but she isn't fast enough.

Heather changed into her wolf and has pounced on Olivia. Olivia drops her phone  but the call did connect. Olivia is screaming and Heather is growling.

Olivia screams, "Heather, get off me. You aren't supposed to be here."

That causes Heather to growl louder. Heather begins clawing up Olivia's back and legs. Olivia cries in pain as she feels herself go unconscious.

Meanwhile, Damien answers her call and hears her screaming. He was currently in a field getting ready to train with his father. They both took off while mind linking for anyone close to save Olivia. When the got there one of the pack warriors had already pulled Heather off Olivia.

Damien shifts back and runs to Olivia. Her back is really bad. He picks her up and runs to the pack house leaving his father and the rest to deal with Heather. Once in the pack house he makes it to the hospital where the doctor, Dr. Jones was waiting. Damien puts her on the bed and steps back so Dr. Jones can do his job.

Dr. Jones looks at Damien after examining Olivia, "She will need stitches on her right shoulder, but the rest looks to be like last time and not so deep. She is really lucky it's not much worse. I will get her patched up in no time."

Damien nods and stays out of the way. When done he sits down next to her and holds her hand. He can't believe this happened. Heather has attacked her again. Soon after his parents rush into the room.

Luna Diane pulls Damien into a hug while his father stands to the side looking at the sleeping girl.

Damien pulls away, "Dr. Jones says she is lucky. They had to put stitches in her shoulder."

Alpha Luther nods, "She was smart to call. I have her phone. You may want to use it to text her parents she is staying at a friend's house while she recovers."

Damien nods and takes the phone from his father. He texts her parents that she's staying with Mike while they are away. They respond with an okay, so that was taken care of. Damien mind links Mike to let him know everything.

Damien then asks, "What happened to Heather?"

Alpha Luther frowns, "She will no longer be an issue. The fight between her and two of our pack warriors did not end well for her."

Damien nods, "That's probably a good thing otherwise I would be getting my hands on her."

The door bursts open and in runs a frantic Rin and Mike. The two quickly show respect to the alpha and luna, then approaches the bed. Everyone stays in the room, but the vibe is tense. They are waiting for Olivia to wake up.

About two hours later she finally wakes up. Olivia looks around to see a familiar room with familiar faces. She goes to move but groans in pain. Everyone's head snaps to her.

Damien kisses her head and asks, "What do you need?"

Olivia groans, "I need water and I'm in pain."

Mike stands up, "I'll go get the doctor."

Dr. Jones returns and gives her some medicine with water. Olivia thanks him and he leaves again.

Luna Diane smiles at her, "I'm sorry this is happening again Darling. We had Damien text your parents that you are staying with a friend for bit because you didn't want to stay home alone. I assume Mike will be the friend. It's so you are close to the doctor."

Olivia nods, "That's a good idea. Thank you."

Luna Diane pats Olivia's thigh gently, "No need to thank us. We are going to take special care of you."

Alpha Luther asks, "Can you tell us what happened?"

Olivia frowns, "I remember Damien dropping me off and right after there was a knock on the door. I thought it was Damien, so I didn't look through the peephole and saw Heather standing there. I tried to close the door, but she was stronger. I ran out the back door and dialed Damien. I remember the pain and screaming but the rest is blank."

Everyone in the room was angry. The tension was so thick it could have been cut with a knife.

Alpha Luther nods, "Well, a couple of our warriors that were on patrol made it to you first. Damien and I arrived shortly after, and Damien ran you back to the pack house. You won't have to worry about Heather anymore."

Olivia starts crying as everything is hitting her. Damien gently hugs her, being mindful of her injuries. She cries herself to sleep in his chest.

Luna Diane says, "I think we should all let her rest. How about we all go into the kitchen for some dinner?"

Damien shakes his head, "I'm not leaving her side."

Rin gives Olivia a sad, "I know I should probably go."

Alpha Luther looks at Rin, "I will allow you to stay the night. I know you are worried for Olivia so I will make this exception."

Rin answers, "Thank you so much. I truly appreciate that."

Alpha Luther nods, "I understand. Now let us go get some food."

Everyone but Damien leaves. Later Rin returns with some food for him and sits in the room. Olivia sleeps through the night.

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