Chapter 14

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On Monday, Damien picks Olivia up for school. He holds her hand as they make it to the school. After they get out of the car, Rin runs up to them. Damien glares at him but Rin completely ignores him.

Rin smiles at Olivia, "Hello little one. How are you this fine morning?"

Olivia returns his smile, "Good morning. I'm good."

Damien comes up behind Olivia, "She and I are doing well thank you for asking."

Rin growls, "Hello Damien."

Olivia rolls her eyes and leaves the two males to glare at one another. She sees Mike and goes up to him. He lights up seeing his best friend.

Mike says, "Hello there. How was the date? You didn't even bother to let me know."

She hugs him, "I'm sorry. It was wonderful."

She gives Mike all the details as they walk to her locker while being followed by the two Alphas. Damien is enjoying the limelight while Rin was sulking. The rest of the day and week went fast, and it was soon Saturday again. It's Rin's turn for a date.

Olivia again was told to wear comfortable clothing. She picks out a nice pair of jeans and another nice purple top that hugs her curves. She puts her hair up and waits for Rin. He arrives shortly to pick her up. Her parents are again, not at home.

Rin drives about an hour away and they arrive at a fair. Olivia gets excited because she has wanted to go to one for a while. Rin grabs her hand and leads her to the ticket booth where a bleach blonde was trying to get his attention

Rin rolls his eyes, "I would like two bracelets."

The booth girl, "Awe. You are taking your sister to the fair. You are so sweet."

Rin frowns, "She's my beautiful date thank you very much."

The booth girl gasps, "That whale! Oh, baby you could do so much better. I would defiantly be a better match for you."

Olivia starts to tear up a little which is angering Rin even more.

Rin growls, "My beautiful date here is the best woman. I don't date trash now give me my bracelets and keep your mouth shut."

The booth girl tears up and throws the bracelets on the counter. Rin grabs them and leads Olivia away.

He turns to her, "Don't listen to what she said. The girl is wrong and horrible. You are amazing and I really like you."

Olivia smiles at him, "Thank you."

Rin returns her smile and then carefully puts the bracelet on her wrist. He then takes her hand in his and they walk the fair. Olivia was having a blast. They went on rides and ate food. Rin even won Olivia a stuffed bear.

The last ride they went on was the Ferris wheel. Olivia has always wanted to go on one, but she's also scared of heights. Rin held her hand the whole way. He was in such bliss being around her. He hopes against hope that she will choose him. He knows he can make her happy.

On the way home Rin asks, "Did you have a good time?"

She smiles at him, "I really did. Thank you. I have always wanted to go to a fair."

He returns her smile, "I'm so happy you did."

They reach Olivia's house and Rin walks her to the door. He pulls her into a hug and kisses the top of her head. He releases her but before she can go inside, he stops her.

He asks, "Can I come pick you up tomorrow for lunch? I had such a good time, and I would like to spend some more time with you."

She nods, "That would be nice. What time would you like me ready?"

He thinks, "How about noon?"

"Perfect. See you tomorrow."

He smiles and leaves. The whole way home he was super happy. He can't wait to see her again.

Olivia went to bed smiling. As she was plugging in her phone, she sees a couple of text. One was from Damien and the other Mike. She decides to answer quickly before going to sleep.

She answers Damien first.

Wolf Boy: Just thinking about you. I have meetings tomorrow, so I won't be able to see you so I'm sad.

Olivia: I'm home now. Don't be sad. We will see each other on Monday.

Wolf Boy: But I can't see you for another day. That's two days without you.

Olivia: How about I send you a selfie?

Wolf Boy: Yes please. That would be amazing.

Olivia sends a selfie.

Olivia: There you go. Now I'm going to bed. Good night and sweet dreams.

Wolf Boy: Sweet dreams my love.

She blushes and answers Mike who is in her phone as brother.

Brother: How was your date?

Olivia: I had a great time. We are going to get lunch tomorrow. I'm going to bed now. Good night.

Brother: Glad you had a good time. Talk to you later. Good night, Sis.

The next day, Rin was at her door noon on the dot. They go to a nice little Chinese restaurant and enjoy each other's company. After lunch they go back to Olivia's house and watch some movies. Rin eventually goes home because they have school the next day. He does leave with the biggest smile on his face.

Mates (Original version)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora