Chapter 3

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Olivia wakes up to her loud alarm. It's morning already. UGH! She turns off the alarm and checks her phone, only to find about a million messages and multiple calls from Damien. For some strange reason, she decides to save his number in her phone and saves the number as "jerk face." It fits perfectly.
Jerk Face: Olivia?
Jerk Face: Please answer!
Jerk Face: Are you okay?
Jerk Face: Pretty please answer!
Jerk Face: I guess you don't want to talk.
Jerk Face: Please let me know that you're okay.
Jerk Face: I'm going to call if you don't answer.
Jerk Face: Are you ignoring me?
Jerk Face: I get it. I'll say good night, beautiful.
Jerk Face: Good morning, beautiful. I'll pick you up in a little bit, so I'll see you then!
Quickly, she jumps out of bed and does her morning routine, then runs downstairs to make a piece of toast for breakfast. With a loud "good morning " to her parents, she runs to the door and opens it. Her heart sinks when she sees Damien, who is just about to knock.
"Good morning, beautiful. I see you're ready to go. "
Before Olivia could respond, her mom came over because she had heard a deep male voice.
Anne, Olivia's mother, smiles, "Hello. Who are you? "
"I'm Damien. Olivia and I go to school together. I didn't know she had such a pretty sister. "
Olivia rolls her eyes.
As she giggles, Anne replies, "Well, aren't you sweet. I'm actually her mom. You can call me Anne."
Shaking her hand, Damien says, "Nice to meet you, Anne. Would you be okay if I gave your beauty of a daughter a ride to school today? "
Anne's smile grows even bigger.
Before Olivia can reply, her father, Henry, comes over with a stern look.
He says, "Who are you? Why are you here?"
Damien puts his hand out, anticipating shaking the older man's hand.
"I'm Damien. I'm here to pick up Olivia for school. "
Henry looks at Damien's hand, though he doesn't shake it. Anne smacks his shoulder, so he grumbles out his name and shakes Damien's hand. Damien feels rather proud of himself and looks over to Olivia.
"Ready to go? " He asks.
Sighing, she says, " Yes. Let's go."
She won't fight right now. Not in front of her parents. She turns to them.
"Bye. Love you guys. "
She hugs them before going with Damien to his car, but it stays quite the whole ride, despite Damien's efforts at conversation. She tries to bolt once they park, but Damien grabs her wrist. Once again, there are sparks running up and down her arm.
With a sad look, Damien says, " Tell me what I can do so you don't ignore me anymore."
She smacks his hand away.
"I don't know. You really hurt me. "
He whimpers from the smack but then sighs.
"Okay. I get it. But I refuse to give up. We will be together. Mark my words, Olivia. It will happen."
She squints her eyes at him. Not knowing what comes over her, she slaps him across the face. They're both stunned by her sudden outburst. Whimpering, Damien brings his hand to his stinging cheek. He's also the first to come to his senses.
"If slapping me every day helps, then so be it. I don't care. I'll do anything to be with you."
She looks away, "I don't know. I just need to get to class. "
He Let's her go, and she marches off to class, lost in her angry and confused thoughts. Then, she bumps into a wall. Actually, no. When she looks up, she sees a tall man with extremely broad shoulders. He looks down at her.
"Woah there little one. Watch where you're going."
She smiles slightly, "Sorry. I was lost in my head. Are you new? I've never seen you before."
"Yup. I'm new. My name is Rin."
"Cool name. Mine is Olivia."
"A pretty name for a pretty girl."
She blushes, " you."
There's a loud growl. They turn toward the noise, only to find Damien, who looks very angry. He marches over to them and pulls Olivia to his chest, and stands up straighter.
"Who are you, and why are you talking to my girlfriend? And standing so close to her?"
Rin gives a sad look, "I'm sorry. I didn't know she was taken. I'm Rin. This is my first day here, you see."
Olivia pushes Damien away and looks at Rin sweetly.
"I'm not actually his girlfriend. He's just delusional. I have class, so I'll be leaving. "
She walks away.
Damien leans closer to Rin and whispers quietly yet aggressively, "She's my mate. So stay away from her."
He walks off to follow Olivia, leaving a heartbroken Rin to stand there alone.

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