Hye Rin went to reach towards one of the buttons, but pulled her hand back. She wasn't sure if she was allowed to touch it. But, oh was she curious. Biting her lip, Hye Rin crouched in front of the machine and studied it. There were several words on it, but couldn't read any of it. She recognized one as the play button, however. Hye Rin new what that symbol meant after years of being told to play a movie or the music for her owners.

Hye Rin reached forward again, but stopped herself shy of pushing the button. Again. Before she could pull her hand back, she saw a hand come from behind her and push her hand towards the button. Suddenly, BTS's Run was being played through the speakers loudly. Shocked at the sudden sound, Hye Rin yelped and fell on her butt.

Shaking, Hye Rin looked up to see a grinning Sung Deuk looking down at her. Blushing, Hye Rin saw him crouch down in front of her, his eyes meeting hers.

"Lee Hye Rin-ssi, you have permission to do anything you want to as long as it isn't being used in practice, okay?" The older man said gently, then softly placed a hand on her shoulder. Unable to form words, Hye Rin just nodded her head at the man, still in shock.

"Sung Deuk-hyung, you scared her!" Several pairs of feet could be head approaching them. Hye Rin was finally snapped out of her staring when a different pair of eyes appeared in front of her.

"Hello there, gorgeous!" Hye Rin gulped.

"Hello Hoseok-ssi," she said quietly. He tsked at her and grabbed her hands, bringing her up into a standing position.

"Hoseok-ssi?" He asked her sassily. Giggling, Hye Rin hid her face and corrected herself.

"Hello, Hobi-oppa." He nodded and gave her the biggest smile. Hye Rin felt like she was floating with happiness. She made him happy, which in turn made her feel happy. Confused for a moment, Hye Rin cocked her head to the side, trying to figure out why she was feeling that way.

"Let's go home! I want to cook you a dinner in celebration!" Jin told her grabbing one of her hands and pulling her towards the doors. Hye Rin hid her face and giggled as the rest of the boys shouted enthusiastically about the meal.

"Yah! If you don't help, you don't get to eat it!" The rest of the boys hurried to promise to help and Hye Rin started to look forward to being human with them.


The man stared at the woman standing in front of him. He was irritated to find out that one of their rarer purchased hybrids had gotten loose. The owner, Mr. Kim, was still in the hospital recovering from the accident that led to the loss. The man had a brain injury and it caused some temporary paralysis. The contract that he had purchased the hybrid under guaranteed assistance in recovery if the property was lost or went missing.

"Now let me get this straight," the man said with irritation. "There is no sign of the hybrid? She is a fucking rare breed and is nowhere to be found?" The last part was said quietly, causing everyone in the room to gulp. Quiet meant deadly in the business and especially with The Director.

"Y-yes s-sir!" The woman stuttered out. She was one of the many staff in charge of tracking their former property. "Sh-she didn't h-have a tr-racker."

"Why the FUCK NOT?" The Director roared out. The woman looked as if she were about to piss herself.

"The current owner insisted on the purchase being off the books. He wanted totally deniability if needed. This was part of his contract," another voice said, walking forward. It was a man in his mid-30s, bald and rather tall and muscular. He was wearing a full 3-piece suit.

A Hybrid Story   ( BTS x Hybrid F OC )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora