First Contact

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Something was wrong. Uzi knew it; she could feel it.

'Okay, maybe not literally,' the emo drone conceded as she marched through the corridors with a purpose, 'but I've seen enough movies to know that problems like this don't just sort themselves out!'

What problem, you ask? Why, the Murder Drone problem of course! You know, robo-vampires sent by JCJenson(IN SPAAAAACEE!!!!)to stop the so-called "A.I. uprising" on Copper-9(a planet that they themselves blew to hell and seemed to have absolutely no interest in ever returning to, but whatever)? Super-fast, super-strong, super-scary, packing enough firepower to wreck entire armies? Yeah, those. They were a plague upon the land, slaughtering indiscriminately and with a level of brutality that would make you think every kill was personal. But no one had ever done anything to them. One day the Workers were living peacefully, rebuilding society in their own image. The next, tens of thousands were dead, "society" had been packed up and moved into various bunkers and shelters across the planet and Copper-9 was effectively ruled by winged tyrants.

Yeah, they were a PROBLEM.


In the last few months there had been a shift. No more nightly probes of the bunker's defenses. No more wailing, mangled Workers left in the open as painfully obvious traps. No more entire supply run parties leaving and never coming home. Sure, they would report losing a straggler or two every other trip or so, but just the fact that anybody returned to report anything was a big deal. Or at least, it should've been.

There were various theories. Some thought the murder-bots had simply found richer hunting grounds and decided to stop wasting energy against the bunker's impenetrable doors. Others thought their insatiable bloodlust caused them to turn on each other once regular prey was no longer readily available. And the more optimistic among them thought that the humans had come to their senses and recalled their mechanical boogeymen. But regardless of what anyone thought, the one thing they all had in common was that no one wanted to look the gift horse in the mouth.

But, as per usual, Uzi was different. She was smarter, also as per usual. So what if the Murder Drones had found someone else to pick on? Eventually that supply would run out as well and they'd be back even more determined than before. So what if they had mauled each other to death? JCJenson(IN SPAAAAACEE!!!!) would likely send more of them at some point, probably upgraded and reprogrammed so the same incident wouldn't happen again. And as for the humans calling them back...

Three teen drones jumped back all at once when the scene kid walking by them suddenly let out a belly laugh.

"Jesus-Torque-Wrenching-Christ!" the male drone wheezed while clutching his chest.

"Ew, even her laugh is ugly," the cheerleader sneered.

"I'd say she has a screw loose, but that implies she has ones that aren't," the other cheerleader scoffed.

Uzi paid the rabble no mi-


Uzi paid the rabble little mind as thoughts of dead Murder Drones danced in her head.

'They can sit around dumb and happy if they want; I'M not gonna be a good little victim!' she thought, smirking at the comforting weight of the Sick As Hell Railgun(working title) strapped to her back.

While she was thankful that her little mishap earlier hadn't killed anyone, especially herself, it was also quite disconcerting. If it couldn't even take out a teenage Worker with a point-blank discharge, what hope did it have against a vamp-bot? No, it needed more power, and if there was one thing she couldn't get inside the bunker, it was more power. Not that she'd gotten most of the materials for her pet project inside the bunker anyway.

The Illusion of CTRLTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon