The Key

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So you all hate me for the last chapter, but think of fluffy unicorns and clouds made of fairy floss! Yay! We're all happy? Good.

On with the story!

Tanith's heart had leapt into her throat, and she looked shocked at Synecdoche. Then she panicked.
"Do something!" Tanith screamed. Synecdoche grabbed a Sunburst from one of the drawers. She put in on Valkyrie's chest and tapped it. The sigils started to glow, and nothing happened. She tapped it again, still nothing. Tanith leant beside her ear and whispered.
"Come on Val. You're not dead. Please come back to us. Skulduggery needs you."
Suddenly, the monitor started beeping randomly. Tanith breathed a sigh of relief as Valkyrie chest rose and fell. Tanith hugged her gently. Skulduggery was the key. The key to waking her up. Now all they had to do was find him.

Tanith left the Medical Wing as Synecdoche had Valkyrie in a stable condition. She walked towards Ghastly's office, and the scarred tailor was sitting there with a cup of tea on his desk, shuffling through papers. He looked up when she entered.
"Tanith," he said, standing up. "How's Val?"
"She slipped away then we managed to get her back."
Ghastly's eyebrows shot up.
"She died?"
"Yes but we revived her."
Tanith could see the concern on his face. She wasn't surprised. Valkyrie was like a daughter to him, and he loved her almost as much as Skulduggery did.
"Skulduggery is the key," she said.
"What?" Ghastly asked, confusion evident in his voice.
"Skulduggery. He's the key to waking her up. We need to find him."
"I'm working on it Tanith. But it's difficult. There's no trace of him anywhere. It's almost as if he never existed."
Tanith sighed.
"I'll help you," she said.

Fletcher was staring at Argeddion. Oh how evil he had become. This was going to be fun. Just a couple more days, he thought. That's how long it'll take Skulduggery to get back from Antarctica anyway. Luckily, Fletcher had been there before, and had teleported that skeleton when he wasn't looking. Fletcher smirked. He was looking forward to setting Argeddion free. Fun times about to begin.

Valkyrie lay still on the bed. Synecdoche noticed just how pale she had become, and the monitor was beeping less frequently. She was slowly slipping away, but Tanith didn't know that. Synecdoche was certain that even if she tried to reason with the sword lady, she wouldn't win. She never did. Tanith Low never lost, and in this case, her winning streak was going to prolong Valkyrie Cain's pain. But Synecdoche needed to try. She loved Valkyrie, and she didn't want to see her die, but it was for the best. So she sat, and waited for Tanith to come back.

Yay! Val lives! Happy my munchkins? I hope so, because serious shit is about to go down.

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