In her mind, rich kids always act spoiled. Her whole family reeks of entitlement, a selfishness that fostered inside of Chloe after years of them treating others as beneath them. Our friends and boyfriends the past few years have only supported this idea, buying their way through life like they had every right to it. So although Chloe herself has always preferred to ignore the poor than mock them like other rich kids our age, she's been taught that flaunting her wealth was the only way to act like she was worth anything at all.

Seeing Adrien be kind to everyone and loved through out the school, despite portraying himself as a lot poorer than he really is, proves to Chloe that she could be like that too. She never had to cut off friends because her parents didn't want her talking to lower classes, she wouldn't have been compared to her sister based off superficial things, and she has no right to treat people as she does.

There's a pain stretching across her face, despite how well she tries to hide it.

It comes from the realization that her family's horrible treatment of those around them and their own daughter had nothing to do with their money. Adrien has the same amount of money, if not more than her, and still his family never taught him to be as judgmental or spoiled as Chloe's family did. If money didn't make Adrien's family horrible people, why did it make Chloe's so cruel?

"Everything could be yours too, Chloe. Consider it a wedding present." A voice sneaks up behind us. I turn around, finding Adrien leaning on the grand doorframe of the room, oblivious to the heartbreak Chloe is experiencing.

She recovers quickly, a tint of embarrassment cover her cheeks at being caught snooping around. "No money could be worth sharing a bed with you." She smiles sweetly.

"Should we test that theory?" He smirks.

Almost imperceptible, the soft noise of Chloe's breath hitches, so quiet that I doubt Adrien realizes the affect he truly has on her. Maybe Adrien can be something other than a reminder of her own parents failings.

Maybe he can show Chloe how to be better.

I'm smiling when I walk out of the room, missing the rest of their flustered banter with each other. Stumbling back into the living room, I'm confronted with the large flat screen TV as Zoya swipes between different scary movies. The two nerds – I mean Zoya and Lucas – are arguing about which horror series is the best.

"The cinematography in Halloween is simply better." Zoya clicks on the preview of the first movie.

"You're telling me that the development of setting in The Conjuring wasn't perfect? You're crazy."

"Nothing matters besides how loud the movie can make Chloe cry. I don't care about plot or characters," Autumn scoffs, settling onto the couch by throwing a fluffy blaket across her lap, "just pick the scariest one."

Lucas glares at Zoya before they compromise and press play on 'Sinister'.

It's only moments before we are all rushing onto the couch, squeezing together despite the long length of the velvet sofa. Zoya and Autumn sit next to each other, Zoya's knees pulled against her chest and turned slightly towards Autumn as they whisper, splitting their conversation up between trivial gossip and scathing criticism of the government. Lucas lays down on the other side of Autumn, pulling me ontop of him so that my back is pressed against his chest. His arms don't let go of me while the beginning credits start to play and Zoya turns the lights off, except to wrap a blanket around our laps and hold me closer to him.

Dark, eerie noises begin to play through the expensive sound system connected to Adrien's TV, but that's not the reason I have goosebumps across my skin. The warmth spread between me and Lucas's body sends my body on edge, desperate for more contact with the boy I like.

Bad Influence - popular girl x nerd boyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant