Chapter 1

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If there was one thing Firey hated, it was definitely his floor manager who had just dropped a pile of files onto his desk thirty minutes before work ended.

Firey stared at the cursed papers, he held his head in his hands and groaned as he cursed out the floor manager in his head.

As he sat there feeling sorry for himself, his co-worker and friend, Blocky came over.

"Hey Moyasu, what's up!" he said happily.

"Hey Blocky, nothing much just a stupid amount of work that needs to be completed by Monday morning but hey, what's new?" Firey complained.

"Eesh, yeah I saw that happen, he's such a stuck up jerk, want me to prank him?" Blocky asked hopefully.

"You know what, yeah do it, I'm sick of him anyway," Firey sighed.

"I'll make the next week pure hell," Blocky cackled.

Firey smiled as he saw the villainous ideas churning in Blocky's head, he did not pity the victim in any way.

Blocky cleared his throat as he gradually stopped laughing. "Hey by the way, me and a couple other guys were gonna gonna go out for drinks tonight, wanna come with?"

"Dude, you know what my answer is gonna be," Firey mumbled, slightly irritated.

"Aw, come on Firey, you never go out with us, you gotta stop refusing this stuff," Blocky wheedled.

"No seriously, I just wanna go home and sleep, I'm done with this place, I want zero reminders of it until Monday morning," Firey insisted.

Blocky gave a skeptical look that turned slightly judgemental as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Fine, whatever you say man, your loss,"

He gave a fed up sigh and with that, Blocky walked away, back to his desk.


As soon as the clock hit five, Firey was out of that stuffy room and walking down the corridor.

He met Tennis ball as he usually did and they walked out of the building together.

"So you aren't joining the guys for drinks?" Firey asked.

"Nah, I gotta home on time or my girlfriend will kill me," Tennisball laughed.

"Damn, she really has you on a tight leash doesn't she?" Firey teased.

"Oh don't say it like that, she just likes to keep a routine, that's all," Tennisball replied.

"Honestly you seem way more mature now, and I thought you were bad before," Firey grinned.

"Better to be mature than like you," Tennisball smirked.

"Huh, what's that supposed to mean?" Firey challenged.

"Well first of all, you're forgetful because you must have left your bag on your desk since your hands are empty and second of all, you're just an idiot sometimes,' Tennisball explained.

"Oh ha ha, very funny," Firey retorted.


Firey glanced at his hands and saw that they were in fact empty, Tennisball was right.

"Oh for fuck's sake," Firey seethed as Tennisball laughed.

As Firey turned to head back to the office, he asked Tennisball if he'd wait to which he agreed.


After grabbing his bag and shoving some papers into it, Firey broke into a brisk walk as he made his way through the now rather empty corridors of the office, all too eager to be away from this crappy place.

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