Chapter 5

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Tennisball stared in complete disbelief as Firey stared right back, terrified like a deer in head lights.

Of course, this was very similar to the reaction that Firey had expected, the only difference was a lack of ridiculing laughter.

"So you're really summoned a demon?" Tennisball asked, each word was clearly enunciated as though he was really processing what he'd been told.

Although Firey knew he had sworn to Mr Feuille that he would keep his mouth shut and was risking so much by telling Tennisball what was going on, Firey had cracked under the stressful pressure and told his friend everything .

Tennisball had always been a person Firey felt he could trust, someone who was kind he knew that if he asked it, Tennisball would keep the conversation under lock and key, no matter how stupid it was.

"Look, I know it sounds crazy and you think I'm an idiot but I swear I'm telling the truth, I found this old book and I messed around and now there's an actual demon thing living with me," Firey tried to explain.

For a while, a little too long for Firey's comfort, Tennisball looked like he was deep in thought, mulling something over and Firey was growing increasingly anxious as to what he was thinking.

"You can see it, I'll show you after work, you gotta believe me man, don't think I'm crazy," Firey pleaded, desperation creeping into his words.

The anxious man bit at his thumb, he hadn't realized how hard he was biting down, until he unknowingly tore his skin and drew blood.

Things went from uncomfortable to downright painful when Tennisball suddenly let out a scoff, followed by a laugh that Firey couldn't quite figure out but it scared him and made him feel small and stupid, feeling his cheeks burn with embarrassment.

Firey gulped, his fist was clenched so tightly that his knuckles went white and his body trembled ever so slightly as his mind overanalyzed everything that was going on.

What was Tennisball going to think of him after this? It was so insane he'd definitely call him a freak or something

Would he just stop talking to him altogether? Just completely cut all contact?

Oh God, he's going to tell Blocky and they'll both laugh at him and of course, Blocky will tell every single person in the office and then he'll be labeled a crazy idiot and the office laughingstock.

He was going to have to-

His rampantly negative thoughts were interrupted by Tennisball's kind

"I believe you Firey, don't worry," Tennisball said calmly.

Firey blinked as Tennisball smiled at him, worry ran through his mind as he prayed that Tennisball was being genuine.

"You mean that? You actually believe me and you don't think I'm crazy?" Firey questioned.

"I believe you Firey, I don't think you're crazy, I was just...caught a bit off guard but most people would be," Tennisball assured.

Firey felt a small smile form on his face as he breathed a sigh of relief, overjoyed to finally have someone who was seemingly in his corner through all of this.

"Thank you, thank you so much man, thank you, you're the only person who I really felt like I could talk to but I really don't know why" Firey laughed shakily.

"Hey, I understand, I know that I would have loved someone to relate to when I met Golfball," Tennisball grinned.

Once again, silence but this time it was broken by Firey doing a literal spit take with his drink.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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