Chapter 4: Welcome To The Team!

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"There are men on the shores!"

Those words made the Amazonian grip on their weapons tightly. Hippolyta held a slight glare after hearing that. Diana's mind was all over the place as she tried to make sense of this.

Diana: 'Wait what. What the fuck? This isn't right at all. Why are there men here? From the movie there was only ONE that came here. Not multiple. Why are there multiple!"

Her hands tightened into a fist as she took some deep breaths to calm herself down.

Diana: 'Calm down Diana.. You need to calm down and focus. Why would multiple men be here.. It made no sense at all. Though when I think about it—"

Hippolyta: "Diana!"

Diana almost flinched when her mother yelled her name. She looked at her mother, who was looking back at her with a face full of worry and concern.

Hippolyta: "You weren't responding to me calling your name. Are you okay, Diana?"

Diana: "Y. . Yeah I'm alright, just a little shocked that men managed to get on this island."

Hippolyta: "There's nothing to worry about. You are a strong Warrior. Some men aren't going to defeat you. Now, I need you to take some warriors and follow your fellow Amazon to the men. Detain them and bring them here so that we can find their intentions."

Diana gave her mother a small nod. She turned to the Amazon that found the men and walked up to her.

Diana: "Come on, let's go. Lead the way I'll get some warriors once we leave here."

The Amazon gave Diana a small salute and started to walk with The Princess following right behind her.

Diana: 'Whoever these men are I can only hope that they aren't hostile. If they are, then I have no choice but to fight them and kill them."

She had the look of determination and she had the resolve. Diana was ready to murder those men that trespassed on Themyscira. She gathered some warriors and now they were headed to where the men were located.

— — — — —

The men that landed on the Island was looking around to see if there were any signs of life. So far they didn't see anything. In fact - they didn't know they were spotted and they didn't know some Amazons were on the way.

A man dressed in black with a bat-symbol on his chest and a mask with pointy bat ears, narrowed his eyes.

Batman: "Are you sure this was the right Island, Superman?"

Batman: "Are you sure this was the right Island, Superman?"

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The other man was Superman. He was dressed in blue with a red cape and an S symbol on his chest.

Superman: "I'm sure of it. Whoever that mystery person was, they said that the next Member would be here."

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