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Unknown pov

I watched thru the window I spoke thru my ear piece "Boss they are in the house"
My boss Said mhm and I was from 65th I was a member of Ree's gang even tho I was a little girl I was only 14 but I was forced because my dad traded me for drugs

So now I'm pregnant and I can't go to school I'm not wearing a camera so I could go in because he was my older brother but he just doesn't know that

I'm tried of getting abused and raped this time he didn't wanna pull out and I got pregnant I'm so close to giving birth my due date is in 2 days I waddled to the front door and threw my ear piece and banged on the door this tall dude that looked to be my brother opened the door

He had a gun and said who da fuck yo is I just stood there looking up at him I think he was studying my face because he showed me a picture of me and I nodded yes its me Asia I smiled he pulled me into I hug and said I pumpkin I giggled and kept hugging him

I felt my baby kick and I hissed and he let go he saw my belly he said Asia you are only 14 who knocked you up I looked down and he lifted my head back up until this pretty girl came walking to us baby she spoke and smiled at me

Yeah ma ? I heard my older brother spook speak back she spoke can I say hi to her and he nodded hi pretty girl what is your name I giggled and said Asia she hugged me you are adorable my name is janiyah I'm spook's girlfriend I said I'm his little sister but anyway back to your brother she walked away and I frowned

I walked back spook he asked again I yelled SPOOK AFTER YOU FUCKING LEFT ME DAD SELLED ME FOR FUCKING DRUGS AND THE MAN HE PICKED LETS PEOPLE RAPE ME BUT HE FUCKING GOT ME PREGNANT NOW I CAN'T GO TO SCHOOL I broke out in tears he hugged me and kissed my forehead I'm so sorry Asia he said

I heard shots go off janiyah screamed SPOOK HELP ME she screamed and cried he ran upstairs and seen a man standing over her had shot her and was asking where is Asia she started choking on her own blood I wanted to stop him but he would kill my baby spook shot the man in his throat and stomach and cheat he fell down and my water broke

I screamed and spook picked up janiyah and me and ran downstairs outside and put us in the car and sped off to the hospital janiyah eyes started to close JANIYAH NO I screamed he pulled up and got us out and the doctors took us

Janiyah's pov

I was in heaven talking to grandma and she was saying I couldn't stay here with her because she had been watching as spook was taking care of me and how much he really does love me

GRANDMA PLEASE NO I woke up in a hospital bed with bandages around my boobs I tried to sit up but I seen spook he was pacing back and forth I tried to reach for my water but I couldn't reach it and it hurt to move I hissed spook had tears all over his face as he turned to look at me

He hugged me softly and kissed me ma I'm so sorry that I let you get shot but now we have to take you to go see Asia push her baby out i nodded and said I'm thirsty tho he handed me my water and l took a few sips and he put me in my wheelchair and pushed me to room 304

I could see Asia was struggling I said baby push me to her hand he nodded and I grabbed her hand push honey push she pushed and she screamed and cried OWW keep going your doing a really good job keep going Asia she did a big push and the baby came out spook had caught the baby the doctor had cleaned the baby up and handed it to Asia

I smiled at the baby you are so cute what are you naming her she said tyana Nicole Johnson I smiled hard that is such a cute name

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