Fact: Xander is the Best Hawthorne

Start from the beginning

"Be my girlfriend." he said out of breath.

"Ok." I managed between breaths. "We should take this out Avery's probably already arrived." he nodded and we headed out to see Avery and Libby.

"What is this?" she asked, 

Libby bumped her shoulder. "We're calling it the introvert's ball." 

"There's no one here." 

"Not true," Libby replied cheerfully. "I'm here. Nash turned his nose up at the fancy food and put himself in charge of the grill. Mr. Laughlin's running the Ferris wheel, under Mrs. Laughlin's supervision. Thea and Rebecca are stealing a super-stolen moment back behind the ice sculptures. Catalina and Jameson are right here." 

I gave her a hug. "Happy Birthday Avery."

"Xander's keeping an eye on your surprise, and here's Zara and Nan!" Libby finished.

"You, girl," Nan said,  "The neckline on that dress makes you look like a floozy." She wagged her cane at me, then grunted. "I approve." 

"So do I," Max said appearing to her left. "Happy faxing birthday, you beautiful beach." 

Avery's Pov


"Surprise! Alisa may have been under the impression that there was going to be a much larger party." But there wasn't. It was just... us. 

Max threw an arm around me. "Ask me how college is!" 

"How's college?" I asked, still absolutely floored. 

Max grinned. "Not nearly as entertaining as Ferris Wheel Leapfrog Death Match." 

"Ferris Wheel Leapfrog Death Match?" I repeated. That had Xander written all over it. I knew for a fact the two of them had stayed in touch. 

"Who's winning?" Catalina asked. Max replied, but before I could process what she was saying, I saw movement out of the corner of my eye—or maybe I sensed it. Sensed him. Clad entirely in black, wearing a ten-thousand-dollar tuxedo the way other guy swore ratty sweatshirts, Grayson Hawthorne stepped onto the dance floor. He came home. That thought was accompanied by a memory of the last time I'd seen him: Grayson, broken. Me, beside him. Back in the present, Grayson Hawthorne let his eyes linger on mine for just a moment, then swept them over the rest of the party. 

"Ferris Wheel Leapfrog Death Match," he said calmly. "This never ends well." 

Catalina's Pov

The next morning, I woke to the sight of my dress strewn over the end of my bed. Jameson was asleep beside me. I pushed back the urge to trail my fingertips across his jawline, to lightly touch the scar that ran down his chest. I could remember the day he got it vividly. I allowed myself one more moment beside Jameson, then slipped from my bed, got dressed, and headed downstairs.

"You promised you would help me." I heard Avery say from the kitchen. "You said you would teach me everything I needed to know. I'm sorry," she said. "This isn't your problem." 

"Don't," Grayson ordered roughly, "look at me like I'm broken." You are not broken. I'd said those words to him. He hadn't believed me then. He wouldn't believe her now, either. 

"Alisa wants me to put the money in a trust," she said.

Grayson responded with an arch of his brow. "Of course, she does." 

I decided this was a good time to join the conversation, "I'm guessing you haven't agreed to anything?"

"I haven't" She agreed.

The Inheritances Game (Jameson Hawthorne)Where stories live. Discover now