The resolve I must find

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In the Tenma residence

Saki: Onii-chan, I'm home.

There was no answer.

Saki: Onii-chan, you home?

???: Hm?

Saki: Onii-chan, are you okay?

Tsukasa was in deep thought about something he couldn't make out of.

Tsukasa: Oh, I'm fine. No worries.

Tsukasa then gets up and enters his room.

Saki: O-Onii-chan...

The next day at Miyamasuzaka...

Saki: ...

Ichika: Earth to Sakki...

Saki: Oh sorry about that. How long was I in that state?

Ichika: For the past 2 minutes, since class is over. You been like that for a while until you were called on for the answer.

Saki: Oh sorry.

Haruka: Just tell us what is wrong. You made us worried about you, thinking you caught a cold.

Saki: Oh no, its not that.

Ichika: Then, what is it?

Saki: Its about Onii-chan.

Ichika: Tsukasa-senpai? What about him?

Saki: His state right now is....How do I put it? Like his mind is something he is trying to solve, but he can't seem to solve. The problem is bothering him lately, but he won't tell me about it.

Ichika: Ah, I see.

Haruka: So, he isn't letting out his problem to anyone?

Saki: Exactly, I'm thinking about ways to help him, but I gotten nothing in the end. I asked a friend, but right now, its a kerfuffle at this rate.

Ichika: That is a problem.

Haruka: You know, there is an idea I have.

Saki: Which is?

Haruka: There is a time where you can't take it anymore when that someone, Tsukasa-senpai in this case, you might have to stop them and confront them, once and for all. That may be the only option at this point. If you keep waiting for your brother to talk to you, his problem will keep building up.

Saki: I get it now Kiritani-san. Thanks for the advice.

Haruka: No worries.

Meanwhile in Kamiyama...

Tsukasa: (Sighs)

Tsukasa POV: School is now over for today. But my problem is building up. Even playing a=my bass for a street performance, my conflict grows more. Even if I don't tell Saki, it still builds up more.

Then Toya then comes in.

Toya: Tsukasa-senpai, are you okay?

Tsukasa: Oh Toya. Hai, I'm alright.

Toya: Are you sure? You don't look alright. Saki is worried about you.

Tsukasa: Its nothing. I better be off now.

Tsukasa then leaves the school.

Toya POV: Tsukasa-senpai, how am I supposed to help you?

In the Tenma residence in Tsukasa's room...

Tsukasa: (Sighs) I don't want to keep worrying them, but I can't let them in. I'll just have them deal with it more with me. I don't want that to happen. But, I just wanted to play my bass again. But still...


???: But Tsukasa, you should play with us. As a member of COLOSSAL, I want to recruit as our bass play.

Flashback end

Tsukasa:..! I can't let them in. I just can't.

Tsukasa POV: Don't cry. Don't cry.

But Tsukasa couldn't keep the tears back. He then curls up into a ball and starts to cry silently. But however, Miku was on his phone the entire time, looking sad and heartbroken.

Miku POV: He's in a lot of pain right now. I have to help him.

Miku: (Softly) Hey, Tsukasa.

Tsukasa then lifts up his head slowly, with red eyes from the tears that were slowly going down his cheeks.

Tsukasa: Huh?

Miku: Tsukasa, over here.

Tsukasa then turns to see Miku on his phone, to tired from crying to react.

Tsukasa: Miku?

Miku: Let us help you.  Press the Untitled, so we can help you.

Tsukasa then wipes off the tears and calms to down. He then grabs his phone to the song file and presses it. It then flashes and then teleports him to the music school sekai.

Tsukasa: Huh? A music school?

Miku: We've all been waiting for you, Tsukasa.

Tsukasa then looks up and sees Miku and Luka, with sad faces.

Tsukasa: Miku? Luka? 

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