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The next day in Toya's room...

Toya: Hm, I have nothing to do today. Might as well head to the arcade then.

All of a sudden, he gets a call from Saki.

Toya: Saki-San? What does she need...

Toya picks up the phone and then...

Saki: Hello, Toya-kun. Its been a while!

Toya: Ah, good morning Saki-san. What seems to be the matter?

Saki: There is something I want to talk about. Do you have the time now?

Toya: Yeah, I have some time right now.

Saki: Remember the dinner party that is happening, tonight?

Toya: Yeah that's right. My mom told me that your parents are coming to my house tonight.

Saki: Yeah, that's right! Onii-chan and I were excited to have dinner with you for the first time in so long! dad said "Sorry, its gonna be a grown-ups gathering this time".

Toya: That's a pity. I'm sure that the adults have important things to discuss with each other..but I would like to share a meal with you and Tsukasa-senpai.

Saki: I'm glad that you thought the same thing! That is why....(Whispers) I want to invite you to our house for our own dinner party. (Smiles) How does that sound!?

Toya: Really?

Saki: Yeah! oh...But if you don't want to, you can say no. Its up to you if you want to come so...!

Toya: I would love to come tonight. I don't have plans so I would be glad to attend.

Saki: Really?! Yay! I'll see you tonight!

Saki then hangs up the phone. In Saki's room...

Tsukasa's voice: Saki!!!!! I knocked on the door three times! Open the door!

Saki: Oh, sorry Onii-chan.

Saki then opens the door and Tsukasa then enters.

Saki POV: I don't want to lie to Onii-chan but I want to surprise him though.

Tsukasa: Saki!!! Who was on the phone?!

Saki: Oh, Ichika was on the phone and wants to come to our house today.

Tsukasa: Oh, okay!

Back in Toya's room.

Toya POV: Not only that, its the night of the meteor shower.  I've only had saw a meteor shower when I was little.

Toya : But that was a long time ago.

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