Chapter 2

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"Look inside the Tub,Look under the place you sleep and then Look for the object that reflects yourself".

As soon as I said that,the video turn off and the tablet won't turn on.Does this tablet only turn on when there's a announcement or something?

I still confused but Inside the room was a bathroom,which explains the strong smell.It almost smells like a rotten soon as I open the door,I already knew that this place isn't what I thought it was.

It was a Bathroom but it wasn't an Ordinary Bathroom,there's was More blood but there's was marks like triangles and summoning circles made out of blood all over the walls.The curtains covered in Organs and Blood.The mirror that had a message written in blood.

The message in the Mirror said"Be careful of Him,if you see's already too late".who wrote this?why are there summoning circles and writing all over the walls?Why are organs on the Curtains?Did this person died from a Demon or something paranormal?

I was Horrified,The smell is so Strong that makes me Fucking wanting to Puke.Whoever this Mask Fucker is making me do this,he's going to pay.I took a look in the bathroom cabinets under the sink but what I saw was more horrifying than this Room.It was a Half-Eaten Decapitated Head,you could see the skull and the eyes all the way in the back with blood as tears,it's mouth was sewed and it's ears were cut off and there was a Knife plunged in its left eye.

Who Killed this Innocent man?Is that was going to happen to me?I couldn't focus because who can move on when you see a fucking dead man head under the cabinets under the fucking bathroom sink.I couldn't believe my eyes,I close the cabinet and I went to the tub and I saw a Key it looks like it can go somewhere.I left the bathroom and close the door on the way out.

The Rest of the Note said"Look under the place where you sleep".I went quickly to the bed and look under the bed,they were dead rats and guts under the bed but no fucking dead rats is not going to stop me.I felt a Box and Grab quickly and put on the bed.It was a box with a keyhole,I used the Key on the keyhole and it worked and inside was a safe.

Great! another FUCKING safe with a Code,no time to get mad.I had to think about the rest of the note,the last thing it's said was "look for the object that reflects yourself".Oh HELL TO FUCKIN NO,The Bathroom Mirror.I had to go in order for me to leave this room,I went back to the bathroom and I didn't want to remember but their was a hidden button under the mirror.

I pressed the button and the mirror open,a piece of Paper?OH! This may be for the Safe.I quickly went to where the safe is.I put the Code in and there was another piece of paper but it had colors not numbers.

This may be for the door?I quickly went to the door and send a padlock with a COLOR CODE.I Quickly put the code in and IT WORKED! Now I have to find my way to the exit before it's too late.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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