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     "Here momma," Jimmy said while pushing me into a chair at the end of the table she then told him to go get someone and he turned around and went back down the hallway we had come from. The room was dark but there were a bunch of candles on the table with spots for 8, most of the light was coming from a window in the back which had been covered with something making it impossible to look through. To the left of me was a girl with her head down and the smell coming from her was pungent, something wasn't right about her and sent a chill down my spine, Next to her was an empty seat, and then Bobby, ma'am was at the end of the table across from me, to the right of momma next to her was another empty seat, next to that one was a little girl in the middle her hair was done in pigtails but it looked greasy and as if it wasn't brushed, she had a smile on her face but sad sunken eyes, that told a story that I had yet to learn. I shot her a gentle smile and she smiled back. The seat to the left of her and next to me was empty as well.                                                                                                                                                              

     Jimmy returned and slammed a boy in the seat between me and that little girl. He looked at least nineteen, but I couldn't tell, he was at least six feet tall and muscular built, but I don't reckon those helped him much as his body was covered in bruises and deep cuts. He had a fresh wound above his eyebrow and lip because I could see the blood glisten in the flicker of the candlelight and the pain in his eyes. Jimmy took a seat in the chair next to Ma'am and gave the girl in piggy tails a sweet small smile which he hid from Ma'am's view. We all glanced up at the last two empty chairs. Ma'am stood up "My husband will not be able to attend today" She paused and looked up at me with an evil grin that made my face go pale, "but you will meet him eventually, any who go get the food and bring it out, Bobby"!

      Bobby got up and grabbed the food. We watched as he placed a type of shredded meat on the table, mashed potatoes, and rolls. Ma'am scooped food onto everyone's plate, passing them around the table the girl to the left of me never picked her head up to eat the food in front of her. After Ma'am was done giving everyone a plate, she looked up at all of us, "You guys better enjoy this meal, blood, sweat, and tears went into making it." I watched as Bobby devoured his food as if he had been deprived of any type of nutrition which clearly wasn't the case. Everyone ate the food at a normal pace except for Ma'am who ate the food slowly, her eyes never left us, she stayed focused on us with narrowed eyes hardly blinking at all. Bobby reached for a roll and Ma'am slammed her fist down making the little girl with pigtails and me jump and the boy next to me wince. "You don't get more food until everyone has finished their plates," Ma'am said through grinding teeth. The two other children ate barely taking their heads up from their plates, but I couldn't help but glance out of the corner of my eye trying not to be too noticeable.

      Once we all finished eating Ma'am got up and walked to the girl next to me, " I would like to thank this young lady for providing us with dinner." She grabbed the girl by her hair at the back of her head and lifted her so that she was now looking up. "The delicious meat you enjoyed was from her legs as it was the juiciest part I could find." Bobby let out a small chuckle as if she had said something funny, Ma'am paused and looked at the girl with a disgusted look, " I didn't expect her to die but what can I say she was weak." I felt queasy and by the time I thought I was going to be sick the guy next to me was already throwing up, he and I leaned in the same direction and puked up all the food we had just eaten.

      I felt a hand around the back of my neck as I was yanked out of my chair and drug down the hall by my hair, I was dragged past a mirror I hadn't seen before. I caught a glimpse of myself this time I was being pulled by Bobby as if I weighed nothing at all. We approached the basement door, and I heard the thud and groans of the guy who sat next to me tumble down the stairs and hit the ground. I was thrown down the stairs not long after he was, feeling the pain shoot through my body as I tumbled, the pain stopped after my head slammed back on the ground making everything go dark.

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