14- Status: Married

Start from the beginning

"Hi, I am Siddharth… Bhansali, joining as a part-timer. I am her husband." He looked at me as we gave each other a subtle smile that was more than awkward.

We had already decided on this. Our surnames. As a married woman, one is expected to carry on the surname of her husband and that's exactly what I am going to show them.

"And myself, Akshara Dhar. Nice to meet you all." The claps echoed once more, fading into the thin air. 

Now that everyone was out of their costumes, I could see them all. I met them all before, on the interview day but I hardly remember anything from that horrible day. Though I passed the interview well enough, I was in shock with Siddharth and his sudden confession. 

To be honest, I still didn't recover completely. 

"Congratulations to you all. You did a great job as a newcomer." The calm voice belonged to the senior assistant manager, Mrs Agasthi. She had a wise look that only came after years of experience. If I had to describe her, she looked like the type who wouldn't like to waste her energy in her workplace by getting into unnecessary arguments. 

She looked like power, the second most important after the manager. But why did the manager look afraid of this woman? Guess, everyone's a little scared of her, it's probably her aura— 'I am the goddess' aura.

"Hope you new ones are good." The bald man next to her pulled up his glasses. The tired type is how I should describe him. He looked tired of all the troublesome shit: handling new employees being one of them. He was the sales department team head, Mr. Sethi. Next to him, stood three men and one woman from the sales department. 

"Let's all get along well." Then comes the marketing team leader, Anvish Ray. The guy was near and almost about my age and the coolest among them all. He kind of seemed off in the head with his enthusiasm. He was definitely the one who would dance and sing after a good stressful day.

I wonder if it was okay to have a leader of that kind. Nevertheless, I just smiled. What else do I do, right?

"Well, well, why don't we all go to dinner together for the new ones?" The manager asked, beaming in joy before anyone could approve or disapprove.

To be honest, this is the last thing I want after that job with those children. I need to pull on my throw and binge-watch another episode of Penthouse. I almost gave up on my plans when I heard Mrs. Agasthi, "I don't want to. I have plans with my kids." 

The manager, who was already jumping, now stopped. He looked shocked, but he immediately accepted it. "Oh sure, I guess that's fine." She walked out of the door, looking almost as elegant as a goddess.

Power… That's the power that you idiot is never going to have. I heard that voice mocking me in my head. 

"How about we have it without her?" I was sure I heard him sigh in relief.

"I don't think we should have this dinner today. How about another time?" I heard our leader, Anvish, say. Did I judge that guy wrong or is it because of Mrs. Agasthi?

"Fine then… we can do it another time." Bye, everyone. Good work." He clapped and everyone went back to their desks to get their stuff together.

I picked up my stuff and was about to make my way to the exit when I saw Anvish struggling to get something out of the small space under the table. 

I leaned down and asked him, "Should I see?" He was stunned by my voice and fell back. 

"You okay?" I gave him a hand to help him up but he refused and stood up instantly. He looked so innocent for a second that I almost cracked up. "What were you looking for?"

"Ah, my pen's cap fell down." He displayed his pen with no cap and I reached for my phone's flashlight and then reached my fingers to push the cap out. And there it tumbled out of the dark.

"Thanks. You are Payal, right?" 

I smiled and nodded. "Right. Please take care of me well." I turned to see Siddharth standing by the gate.

"I will treat the team to dinner tomorrow. So keep the plans clear for tomorrow." 

I nodded as usual. "Ah…okay. See you tomorrow." I waved to him and ran towards Siddharth, putting my arms over his shoulders for a surprise effect. 

But as I left through the gate, something didn't sit right with me. That guy. What was he so scared of? 


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