I grumbled under my breath. "I think it's fine."

I made my way towards the building and grabbed my backpack next to the stairs. As I was walking, I checked my phone. 'Huh.. Canada's texting me.' I looked at the notifications that he sent me.


< (bro where r u)

< (class is starting..)

< (Are you skipping class again?)

< (Did you get in a fight???)

< (Where are u???)

                                                                                          (Nada..I'm fine lol) >

< (Y weren't u answering...)

                                                                                                        (I was busy) >

                                                              (I'm heading to class right now!) >

< (Hurry then)


Wow..who would've thought my brother would text in class. Anyways, I decided to walk around for a while. I went to my locker, took out some notebooks and stuff. When I slammed my locker, I saw a familiar figure standing alone in the hallway.

(And as always..RusAme slowly approaches the chapter)


Russia turned around facing me. We both froze for a second..

His seemed annoyed by my presence, so naturally I walked away- sike! I turned back and walked towards him. I cracked the biggest smile I could do and waved at him.

He seemed even more confused and annoyed, he just glared at me and turned around. I grumbled under my breath and tapped his shoulder.

He ignored me.

I tapped his shoulder again, "uhm..hello? Anyone there??" I kept tapping his shoulder until he would turn around and respond.


"Will you cut that out!"

I stopped what I was doing and lifted my glasses up, "Maybe.."

I couldn't tell if he was frustrated or not, but I could tell he was super happy to see me. (Not >:D) I cracked an even bigger smile. I walked over next to him, "so..what's a guy like you doing out here?"

No response.

'I need to get into his head somehow..'

"No way, you got in trouble-"

"Oh shut up already! I did not get in trouble!" The Russian answered angrily. He turned away and continued to ignore my question.

"Then what! You didn't answer my question! Not my fault that I thought you were being punished or something!" I replied back, sliding my glasses down. I looked around the hallway, 'empty'. It was the only word I could think off...well, aside from 'asshole'. (But that's off topic)

To be completely honest, I was actually planning on skipping class today due to the whole 'being late' situation. Plus, I've got Russia to accompany me- and..he's walking away.

Russia was walking the opposite direction of where the classrooms were. He didn't seem to care though..

I tried catching up to him. When I finally caught up, I tried jumping on him, "hey! It's me again!" The Russian glared back and continued walking. I tried keeping up with his pace. (He's a fast walker-)



<(Ame! Where are u)

<(class started 15 mins ago!)

<(did u lie to me?!)


'Shit, my brother.' I mean...he's kinda protective and like..I don't know..old. I wouldn't blame him though, he's like this because of ✨ME ✨I was the reason he got so over protective and responsible. 

I looked up from my phone, I noticed Russia was staring at me. "Uhhh, you know..just a text about- you know. Me?" Russia stared at me even more. He grabbed my phone and placed it in front of my face. (How did he know he needed my face to unlock it??) Before I could even grab it back, he pushed me away and began scrolling through my messages.

"Why are you skipping class?" He asked. I yanked the phone out of his hand and looked at him, "None of your damn business." 

After that, everything went silent. I was still frustrated on how he knew how to unlock my phone. I crossed my arms and continued to walk.

"You're wondering how I did it."

"Huh? I-"

"Boys!" A familiar voice appeared from behind us. I turned around, 'Ah shit, it's UN.' I groaned as he walked closer to us. Surprisingly, Russia seemed unaffected by any of this.

"What on earth are you guys doing here? You guys were supposed to be in class!" UN yelled at us. Honestly, this happened so many times. Ever since I was in kindergarten, I liked sneaking out of class a lot. And every time I do, there's always someone who finds me and gets me in trouble.

"Both of you go back to your classes right now!" 

"With all do respect sir, I ammm technically-"

"I don't care! Just go back to class already, you'll be skipping a few classes anyway due to the tryouts."


Wow, can't believe I had to make a part 2 for this chapter.

Anyhoo, hav a great day thanks for readin' (also, how are there views on this? I'm surprised people read this. It clearly sucks 🤣 lol)

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