Green-Eyed Monster

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Trey's POV

Finals had been a shit show. I felt like I had barely passed my last one, and all I wanted was to see Cassie's smiling face. Her fucking laugh alone could put me in a good mood. I never imagined I'd be dating my best friend this time last year. Maybe it was just the right timing for all of it. I'm not even mad that I share her with Rome. He's proven time and time again that he's as willing to sacrifice anything for her, to be the man she needs. Not once have I seen his gaze sway towards another woman. His eyes stay on her all the time. As do mine. Because all I see is her.

If all I see is her, then it's not too far if a stretch to know other men see her, too. They say women start glowing when they're happy and being satisfied, in more ways than one. It really attracts attention from more than just their own partner. Lately, I've been feeling the green-eyed monster visit me whenever we're out together, with or without Rome. It's funny because it's never because of him. It's always the lingering glances from other guys. I'll feel it when she's pressed up against me in public. Jess told me that from her experience, men want what they can't have or the sheer attractiveness of the man a woman is with gages how coveted she is.

Because my mind is always drawn to Cass, it was always easy to spot her on a crowd or just out in general. It's how I found myself feeling that crazy green-eyed monster as I looked on towards my girlfriend sitting too close to some other guy. A guy I had never seen or met before. He was leaning towards her too much for my liking. And she was dressed too cute today for me to calm myself down. I wouldn't have approached if I hadn't heard her cute laugh bubble out her throat.

"Who the fuck is this prick?" I muttered to myself.

My feet took me towards them and my mouth opened on its own.

"Babe," I called.

Cassie turned to see me and her eyes filled with surprise for a moment before filling with warmth and love.

"Trey," she breathed out sweetly.

I cupped her pretty face and kissed her, tongue snaking into her mouth and kissing her just hard enough to make her moan softly.

Her unwelcomed guest cleared his throat and she pulled away, her cheeks flushed.

"Oh, sorry. Trey, this is Manny. He was my sister's roommate when she came here. He's doing his masters in public administration," Cass explained to me.

I shook his hand, "I'm Trey, her boyfriend."

He looked amused, "I didn't know you were dating, Cass. Your sister didn't mention."

"Yeah, we've been dating for a bit now. My sister doesn't share every detail of my life, fortunately." Cassandra explained.

"Mind if I join you?" I asked.

Cassandra moved to let me sit beside her and I kept my arm around her waist. "I wanted to get his insight about something Rome's been thinking about," she told me.

My browser furrow at that, "He wants to get his masters?"

She nods, "In public administration specifically." She fiddles with her fingers, "I just wanna be as supportive as possible. He didn't really consider it an option before."

"You've made Rome sound like a smart saver, though, Cass. I'm sure he knows how to budget well enough for 2 more years. Besides, getting your masters doesn't stall your career." Manny explained.

"I just worry he thinks he has to be the knight in shining armor," Cass says softly.

I squeeze her hip and she leans into me.

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