"Why is he with you?"

"Can we talk inside please."

He grunts his response but moves out of the door frame. My brother follows me.

I hear Minho whisper, "If anything happens to her because of you. I will skin you alive."

"I'm here to help her."

"We'll see."

We walk in to the back room.

"Who was at the back door Minho?" Hyunjin calls out.

"Y/n and a stray."

"Who..." he stops mid question, "What the fuck are you doing here?"

Zio puts up his hands, "I want to save my sister. I know someone put a hit out on her. I want to help."

"Help by going back to your daddy to tell him where she is?!" Jisung yells.

"No! For the last fucking time. I want to help her. I may not know what exactly happened behind you leaving Y/n, but I would never betray you."

"So, what do you know about Y/n being attacked?" Hyunjin asks.

"That it is connected to the bounty on your head. I know they have no idea who you really are. If they did they wouldn't have put these hits out on you."

"That works in our favor." Minho adds.

I ponder things for a moment, "Zio, did you hack my phone?"

"No, I didn't. Did you release that video of your attack?"

"No, I edited. Wait, how do you know it was me?"

"Please, I can recognize my sister anywhere."

"Shit. That means."

"No, he has been too busy to put two and two together."

"What's with all the press conferences?"

"I don't know. I have been trying to find out, but Cho has been following me around."

I look at him wide eyed, "ZIO!"

"Don't give me that look. I ditched him before I came looking for you. You aren't the only one that is good at hiding in plain sight."

"So, you don't know who put out the hits?"

"Y/n no I have no idea."

"Do you know Kyon Loreli?" Jisung asks.

"I have met her a few times why?"

"She's the one that put the hit out on your sister." Minho says exasperatedly.

"What? No way. He's dads new business partner."

"What do you mean dads new business partner? I thought he was partners with Yoongi."

"He is."

"So, let me get this straight your dad is playing partners with two other mafia families?" Hyunjin says.

Zio and I look at each other. A light bulb goes off and we both speak at the same time.

"You don't think?"

"Oh, I do."

"Alright wonder twins what have you two come up with?" Minho grumbles.

"What if Kyon found out about dad working with Yoongi?" I say.

"And then Yoongi gets married, Kyon wants a way to distract him by targeting his wife." Zio finishes my thoughts.

"That would be smart on Kyon's part. Distract the enemy partner." Jisung adds.

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