❥They All Go On A Road Trip❥

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-Kyle is in charge of using the GPS

-Since Kyle is in charge of the GPS Cartman would tease him like if Kyle said "take a right" Cartman would say the opposite and Kyle would be like "Shut up fatass!"

-Georgia is forced to sit next to Mike since there was no more seats available

-Violetta tends to fall asleep on long road trips

-Pete always has his earbuds in and listens to music

-Georgia accidentally fell asleep on Mike's shoulder and no one woke her up 🤭

-Clyde posts pics and selfies to his social media like Twitter and Snapchat

-Stan, Kyle and Craig take turns driving

-Tweek likes long car rides because he finds them comfortable

-Kenny plays on his phone the whole road trip

-Violetta is afraid of driving over bridges so when they had to drive over a bridge she panicked to the point where she almost had an asthma attack

-Mike is either binge watching every Twilight movie or reading the Twilight book series

-Clyde's that one person on the road trip that keeps on asking "are we there yet?"

-Butters and Pip are watching episodes of Spongebob the whole car ride

-The others hear a yelp from Georgia and she says "I poked myself in the eye with my eyeliner!"

-Along with listening to music Pete writes poetry, same with Michael

-Stan is like the mom of the group making sure everyone is fed and used the bathroom

-Clyde is one of those people that would punch someone and yell "punch buggy!"

-Also Clyde would say a random state and the others would look at him like wtf and he would be like "Look Rhode Island license plate you never see those!" (Cat In The Hat references!)

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