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To greet a lovely morning, we
must leave the night behind.
(©Tarang Sinah)

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Your breath caught in your throat. What were you supposed to say? Your sister had never just up and vanished like this before, she was always good with communication. Sometimes she could go overboard with it; updating you or whoever when she arrived or left places. Even if it was too much at times, you appreciated her diligence of letting people know where she was whenever she could. The only time she didn't was when she was doing intern work for hero agencies which was understandable.

You could give him a million answers. The truth would be the best option for sure, but you didn't know if you should actually spit it out. What if Mizuki was just away for a day or two and would come back soon? That wouldn't make sense since she was adamant on sharing her location. You know it's wrong to lie. Guilt weighs heavy on your chest. You don't care too much about your parents, honestly. They obviously preferred your sister over you and even if they did it unintentionally—you became the black sheep.

You'd always have her back because you knew she'd do the same for you. If she killed someone, you'd help her hide the body and take the secret with you to the grave. You knew she'd do the same. You swallow and it catches in your throat but you don't show it.

"I don't know."

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Track 3; Afraid of the Dark

The evening sun was warm over the park lying on the outskirts of a forest. The late spring breeze was thick and humid, though there were no clouds in the sky that foreshadowed any rain. There were a few children on the playground, playing a game of tag across the jungle gym and others seeing who could get the highest on the swings. They were wearing their school clothes, their overcoats slung over the fence lining the wood chipped play yard. The group appeared to be maybe 8-10 years old at most. It was the last day of school for them before summer break.

A girl split from the group, jogging over to one of the picnic tables nearby. Scattered across the seats and the table itself was a collection of backpacks. The girl had beautiful dark blue hair that curled to just below her shoulders, almost a perfect resemblance of the ocean waves. Her eyes were a brilliant white, targeting a tan satchel near the end of the table. Just as her hands reached for it, a younger girl ran by and snatched it as she passed.

The blue-haired girl stared at the table in bewilderment before her white irises focused on the (h/c) girl sprinting away. "Hey! That's my bag!" She cried out in anger, taking off after her. Her friends came to a stop with their game of tag, curious wide eyes watching as she ran away.

"Mizuki! Where are you going?!" One of her friends called out to her, but the bluenette didn't care.

Her heart was racing in her chest. Her parents had warned her about people who might try to steal her things, but she hadn't expected it from a girl around her age. She wasn't too concerned about the belongings in her backpack, as there wasn't anything too important inside. Her main concern was her house keys. Why was a girl stealing her backpack anyway?

White eyes flashed around the park, looking for a hero she could call to for help. When she didn't see one, she continued to follow the (h/c) girl. She didn't want to hurt her, but the thief was faster than her and Mizuki wasn't one that was willing to lose. The girl darted into the woods, and she wasn't sure whether that was a good thing or a bad thing. Not many children got quirk training at a young age, they were only taught how to maintain control during school. Most wouldn't even learn how to fight with them unless they went to a particular high school, followed by an even more particular university. Mizuki, on the other hand, was not one of those children and had been receiving training from an early age. She had a reputation to uphold with her family name. There was no way she would let a crooked little thief get away with her belongings.

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