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some children are simply born
with tragedy in their blood.

Ambiance; Shōrai by mun.,
& Disruptive LoFi

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The room felt like it was spinning all throughout your basic classes the next day. You couldn't focus on the grammar question Present Mic asked in English. You had no appetite when it came to lunch. You were on autopilot. You were surprised you made it here in one piece and especially on time to school today. Mizuki not coming home last night threw you entirely out of orbit. You weren't sure where to go from here. You'd called her phone relentlessly. At first it would ring and she wouldn't pick up, sending you to voicemail. You lost track of how many times you tried to call her when it finally sent you straight to her voicemail.

"Hiiii, this is Hokama Mizuki. I'm so sorry I missed your call, please leave a message and I will call you back! Thanks!"

Her voicemail was all that echoed in your head by the time your basic hero class came around. You sit down robotically at your seat. You haven't said much of anything to anyone today, not that anyone seemed to notice or particularly care. You didn't mind. You preferred keeping your problems to yourself, anyway. Midoriya had asked you how you were at lunch time when he noticed that you didn't bring anything to eat. He offered to buy you lunch but you declined and told him that you ate a big breakfast that morning, is all. His freckled face frowned softly when you said that, but he didn't question you any further. You appreciated it.

"I am here, coming through the door like a hero!"

The class erupts into excitement with the Number One's arrival into the classroom startles you back into reality. Had you been in your normal mindset you would have probably had a better reaction to his arrival, but you could barely smile. You wanted to know where your sister was.

"Welcome to the most important class at U.A. University. Think of it as 'Heroing 101'. Here you will learn the basics of being a pro, and what it means to fight in the name of good." His theatrics are over the top. "Let's get into it!" You wonder how much he's getting paid to be here, or if he's here on his own accord. "Today's lesson we'll pull no punches!" He displays a card in his hand reading 'BATTLE'.

The adrenaline in the room skyrockets when he points to the wall and announces your costumes. "Get yourselves suited up, and meet me at Ground Beta!"

"Yes sir!" The class responds enthusiastically.

They rush from their seats to grab their designated briefcases. Each one is numbered by where they sit. You wait until most of them have begun leaving the classroom before grabbing your own. Uraraka grabs hers shortly after you and decides to walk alongside you. When you get out to the hall, Midoriya and Iida are there as well.

"Do you want to walk with us, Hokama?" Uraraka asks you after closing the classroom door.

You feel a bit put on the spot. It would be rude to say no. "Sure." You reply honestly.

It was good for you to distract yourself from your thoughts, anyway. You haven't seen Mizuki at all since after school yesterday. If she isn't home by dark tonight, you know you need to call your parents. You're dreading it. They'll have to come home early from their business trip, and it'll start a whole thing. Your heart simmers with guilt, like it's your fault she didn't come home. You know that you had nothing to do with her disappearance, but you still felt like maybe you could have done something to prevent it.

"So what do you think will happen during training?" Uraraka asked the group in general, swinging her case in her hand.

"That's a good question. We might be paired against one another or teams, perhaps." Iida guessed with a hand on his chin.

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